With technology getting more and more advance, people are starting to use it at their own advantage. Whether it’s taking pictures, going on different social media pages, or just to have the latest technology to look cooler. I believe that now people like to share everything online, we definitely take more pictures now than ever. Selfies have been the biggest thing and we know because people have invented selfie sticks to take pictures of ourselves with other people, places, or food. There was a part in the article where they mentioned about Instagram launching 15 second videos and how it was able to capture the best moments in short amount of time. Now we have snapchat and usually we don’t like to watch a snapchat video that’s so long so we end up skipping to the next stories because we are so use to having short videos on Instagram from the start. I definitely rely on social media to give me ideas of places to go, I don’t take a lot of selfies but I like to take pictures of food and places as memories and because it looks nice on camera. We also like to share a lot of things through pictures so when we post on any social media apps we can tell people where we’ve been to and that can give ideas for others to go and visit that place as well. However, I also think that now certain selfies get out of hand, and that people sometimes would post pictures of themselves showing a lot of skin just to get more likes, almost as if they are “thirsty” and purposely fishing for more compliments and likes. Selfies and social media in general can be used in good and bad ways. We recently discussed in class today about how photography can be used to show others how artistic you are if you can’t draw very well, so for me, I use photography to show people I do have an artistic side.
Contact Information
Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Atrium 642
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduHelpful Links
New York Times Arts
- The Design Legacy of Los Angeles That Fell to the Fires
- Loving an ‘Untouched’ Modernist House, and Then Getting Down to Work
- With Their Lives Upended, They Practiced the Art of Resilience
- ‘Starry Night,’ All Night Long, as a Van Gogh Blockbuster Ends
- Decades Ago, Students Attacked the ‘Iron Horse.’ Now It Rides Again.
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