Freddie Feria, Photography, Social Media, and Art

This article that Ms. Kwun wrote about Photography and how social media being apart of our culture and way of expressing ourselves. Social media has been used for a long time. From the time of My Space, to Snapchat and Instagram. We have connected with one another through the web, creating memories and sharing moments with others that can appreciate your emotion through photos. Everyone is on social media and I’ve use it almost everyday to look through and see photos that can capture my interest. I use social media to explore people’s experience and I would choose to post views that can be very special. Also, I was to use social media to see if they’re places I can go to near me to enjoy their experience. I even like to express my own thoughts on places that would be enjoyable for friends to hang out or spend time with a significant other. But I believe there’s issues with that as well. It takes away the suspense of how your experience will be, by that I mean you won’t really put your expectations to test it since you seen it and already imagine how it would feel. But I think social media will grow more for the upcoming generation of Art.

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