Death of a Loyalist Soldier

When it comes to looking at the Death of a Loyalist Soldier photograph taken by Robert Capa I personally believe the photograph was staged. Nor do I believe Robert Whelans arguments were convincing. I honestly believe it was staged because to me it is very suspicious that both men in both photographs fell in the same EXACT spot. It couldn’t have been a coincidence because I personally find it weird how similar both of the pictures are. Who would ever put their life at risk just to take a picture of someone else getting shot. If it was me I would have ran for my life. Not only that but how can someone fall in the same spot literally. It doesn’t add up. Even in Robert Whelans argument he talks about how Capa complained to the Republican officers he couldn’t get any pictures. He probably got frustrated he couldn’t get any pictures so he staged one of them. That would make more sense to me because I just find it hard to believe someone could photograph something like that. It’s hard to take a photograph of an action happening. Mostly because when it comes to taking a photograph you have to make sure everything is focused on the subject you’re trying to capture. How was it possible he would be able to snap a picture of someone getting shot right in that moment. Impossible.

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