Walker Evans’ photographed people on the New York City subways between 1938-1941. He only published these photographs 25 years later in his book, Many Are Called, which was re-issued in 2004. Llisten to a radio interview of the book’s re-release and a related exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Then look at some of Evans photographs on the Getty website. What do you think of Evans’ clandestine approach to photography? Do you see similarities between the riders’ expressions during the Depression Era to today’s riders?
NPR interview with Met curator Jeff Rosenheim (audio)
Getty Collection of Walker Evans Subway Portraits
To complete this homework assignment, write a 100-word post by Thursday April 19th at midnight. PLEASE ONLY SELECT ONE CATEGORY “#studentHW FOR YOUR POST. If you’ve forgotten how to submit a post on the OpenLab, please look the Homework Posting Guidelines above. You are welcome, and encouraged, to include a photograph taken on your daily commute, though please be mindful when you are photographing in public.
Upcoming Deadlines:
HW#3 due 4/19
Paper #2 due 4/26