Monthly Archives: March 2018

HW #2 – Food or Coffee?

Generally, during the Civil War, soldiers ate beef or pork, usually boiled and salted, coffee, sugar, salt, vinegar, dried fruits and vegetables if they were in season and a type of biscuit called hardtack which was made from unleavened flour … Continue reading

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HW 2: Food in Civil War

In comparison to the articles that mentions the Civil War, the main food for soldiers is bread and coffee, which is common for people’s hunger in mind. Coffee is like the motivation to stay active as it’s interesting that soldiers … Continue reading

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Tiffany L HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War

After reading the two articles, what I found very interesting was how coffee and bread was a very common thing soldiers would eat. Especially coffee, the fact that soldiers love their coffee and have to have it in order to … Continue reading

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Civil War Food and Coffee

What I have found interesting after reading the article, “How Coffee Fueled The Civil War” by Jon Grinspan, is that the civil war soldiers drank coffee whenever they can and made their coffee everywhere and with everything. Such as water … Continue reading

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Hurrah for Food.

War is a very traumatizing experience for most. So seeing that the soldiers actually had an appetite after seeing their fellow partner just get blown up is quite the shocker. I understand why the soldiers would carry some food with … Continue reading

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HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War,Freddie Feria

Around the time of the Civil War, I didn’t imagine the soldiers would be this serious about their diet in the time of war. Mainly their use of food was to utilize it for energy purposes during the war. But … Continue reading

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Rachie: Food or Coffee? | Civil War

Food, of course! No, but seriously. I would definitely give up coffee. Coffee gives me the rumbles and makes me super sleepy! So, I find it shocking how coffee “fueled” the Civil War. I have never heard of this before! … Continue reading

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HW #2: Civil War Diet

During the Civil War people had no choice to eat what they had front of them. During the war the food was less important and the war was the most important. They had to eat pork , beef and coffee … Continue reading

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HW #2: Civil War Diet

The thing about the soldier’s diet I found most interesting was hardtack. Maybe it’s the way it looks or the history behind it, but I honestly wanted to know more about it. Hardtack is pretty much a cracker that isn’t … Continue reading

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Civil War Food & Coffee

What i found most interesting about the soldiers diets was how bad the food they ate was. Maggot ridden hardtack, raw pork, and any type of dirty water just to get a cup of coffee isn’t the best of diets. … Continue reading

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