HW #2: Civil War Diet

During the Civil War people had no choice to eat what they had front of them. During the war the food was less important and the war was the most important. They had to eat pork , beef and coffee to survive on the battle field. If i had a choice between the coffee and the food i will have choices the food, because i don’t like to drink coffee but i can’t live with out the food. I need food more then I need a coffee. In a article i read by Ton Avey says “This certainly was not the case, as many men still suffered from hunger, illness and death from unsanitary and poorly cooked food. Sanderson did understand the importance of cooking with well-cleaned pots and was quoted as saying” They die of eating bad food then they die of hunger. The food I like to eat and can’t live with out it is Pizza and Chinese food.

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One Response to HW #2: Civil War Diet

  1. Rachel Li says:

    Many soldiers had to be fed, so it makes sense for them to have small and plain meals to survive on the battlefield. Personally, I don’t think pork, beef, and coffee are a good combination, but if I needed to survive, I’ll eat what is offered.
    And AGREE. I can’t live without food.

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