About the wet collodion process, scott Archer first produce that process. The collection process replace the daguerreotype. Which has some require advance planning when you’re talking it on the road. You need Portable darkroom, pour the collodion on the plate, dip it in the silver nitrate,take the picture and also can develop the plate dry.
According to the text union soldier I found out that “soldiers were forced to adjust to a new way of life—and eating—on the battlefield.” even though they don’t like it. To survive they need to adjust the situation. Also“other challenges, soldiers were forced to forage the countryside to supplement their meager diets.” which i found about the hardtack, what is that army’s foodstuff both north and south. The food listed forever long lasting food was important. To military the coffee has another purpose Hardtack was notoriously tough to chew. Soldier found the crackers tooth brakes. Hard coffee soft in the brad and made it a bit more palatable. Another text Coffee fueled the civil war says “It was like putting a new regiment in the fight,” which meaning to me that coffee makes them to new start every morning with the power.“Nobody can ‘soldier’ without coffee.” I would choose to give up the coffee. The food I can’t live without