shahadat hossain, HW#1

More people than ever now own digital cameras, and almost everyone has a cell phone, iPad, tablet with capabilities to capture pictures. Despite this huge increase in the quantity of photographs being captured, we have seen huge changed of photos actually being printed. Photography is art because it shows your emotions, thoughts, and feeling in the same way artist does. Social media become essential to people everyday life. People share parts of their lives through social media. Social networks offer the opportunity for people to reconnect with your old friends and acquaintances, make new friends, trade ideas, share content and pictures, and many other activities. Professionals use social media sites like LinkedIn to enhance their career and business prospects. Students can collaborate with their peers to improve their academic proficiency and communications skills. You can learn about different culture and societies by connecting with people in other countries. Social media made huge impact on art. Through the social media people can easily view art work and give feedback on the work. I feel social media can be great way to share art work.

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