Photography is an expression visualize through a camera . Photos can be an example of art due to the immense things you can take from it. It reflects lots of emotions .For example, you may be scrolling through your feed and see this image it has caught your attention, well that’s what it all about, Art is something you appreciate for its beauty or such imagination being expressed all by a picture. In my opinion that to me is Art. It is also something that seems to be dead in a sense. Perhaps, social media plays a big role in it but in my opinion it ain’t art itself , it’s purpose is the same of a bus or train. It serves to transport images around the world and make it visible to many other people. In other words, being able to see artworks through today’s biggest trend “Social Media”, its creation has open up that door for those not aware of artistic galleries to gain interest in it and question the place where it all taking place. Its one of the good things about social media,  in a way you don’t only built relationships but it can serve as a learning center. My point is if the majority of the population uses Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat ,placing an ad or something I want to grab interest for in one of those medias would be reaching to you. Art is reaching to people all through it.

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