Social media isn’t Art, but Selfies might be.

I don’t think anyone believes social media is a form of art. Although each website may have slight differences in purpose and features, they all increase the communication we have with other people. And this increase of communication has done an amazing thing for art. Artists can share and get responses on their new pieces a lot quicker compared to ancient times. Another interesting thing to come out of social media are selfies. Selfies have often been looked at as a trivial thing, but I can see them as a form of Art; after all, there sort of like a modern-day self-portrait. Although selfies might not require the same amount of skill or effort as creating a self-portrait that doesn’t make it not art. What made self portraits art to begin with is that it’s a form of expression and creativity. That’s also what makes selfies interesting. Selfies and self portraits share one similarity, they can both be used to express creativity using the image of someone. In my opinion selfies can accomplish this a lot easier than self-portraits and possible add new creative aspects that self- portraits couldn’t. This shows how far we have come from ancient times; although some self-portraits might look a lot better than some selfies. Intention is also clearly important. The Instagram model who takes like 50 pictures a day probably wouldn’t call their uploads art, but perhaps someone who cosplays or someone like a fashion designer might consider what they upload to be art.

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