This week at my internship, things have been frustrating. On older blog entries, I’ve touched on the topic of not having time to juggle my internship life with my school work. Considering it’s midterm week, this problem has escalated and I’m grasping for time more now than ever before. It has been especially hard because of Portfolio class. As we all may already know, it’s a class that pushes students to have the best portfolio possible by the time they graduate. It’s an immensely helpful class but you need to dedicate many hours into it in order to be successful. Due to registering complications last semester, I had to override 3 classes. This means I’ve been given permission to take 3 class that I naturally shouldn’t be able to take yet. It’s quite a lot of pressure all on one student.

Last week I discussed working on the EPK video for the artist, Alexus Rose. This as been postponed due to audio issues. Nevertheless, C&T Productions is letting me try my hand at using Adobe After Effects to create intros for future videos. The intros will be rendered as PNG files so they’ll be able to go on top of any type of video. Being a very complex program, Adobe After Effects is something many designers rarely dip their feet into. I began learning the program nearly five years ago through Youtube tutorials and friends of mine. In about two years of teaching myself, I finally grasped the basics of the program.

Creating simple five second intros can easily become a several hour-long process. For that reason, I try and complete the files at home was well as in the workplace. It’s simply too complicated to complete at work. I carry a 500GB to-and-from work in order to have the files on me at all times. I’m definitely excited to see how my After Effects intros turn out.
