This week at C&T productions has been an emotional roller coaster. This is due to harsh criticism and the fact that, yet again, I’ve married my work. Nonetheless, this is an issue I have to learn to deal with. I’ve been warned of this before. I’ve been warned that in the world of art, creativity, and design, criticism plays an enormous role. Day in and day out, I try to prepare myself for negative feedback by my supervisor and I honestly believe I’m getting better at it.

As I work on the EPK video for one of our clients, I’m currently being asked to move footage and replace “this” with “that”. Editing photos and designing promotional material is one thing, but editing footage is a different situation entirely. Firstly, you have to dedicated hours upon hours looking at clips in their entirety. Part of being a video editor is looking at the clips you’re given to work with from beginning to end. This way, you don’t miss out on any juicy footage, which could turn a boring video into something actually worth watching. When you choose which clips look best to you and you finally piece the clips together, it’s exceptionally hard to change them later on. I get too connected with my work.

Fortunately, my supervisor absolutely loved my color grading on the clips. He said, “You made it look like Summer all over again!” This is exactly the effect they were going for and I’m very happy that my efforts have paid off. Color grading is harder than it seems. In Premiere Pro, I usually mix effects such as Brightness/Contrast, Levels, Color Balance, and Fast Color Corrector in order to achieve the desired effect I want. In addition, C&T Productions also has factory color corrected monitors by Dell. These are monitors made specifically for designers and video editors. Below is a screenshot of my workflow as I edit the EPK.
