
Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Students met at the computer lab where they used the websites I provided in my lesson the day before to pick fabrics they want to use in their designs and print out photos of them. I did a quick review of the different fabrics and their properties and what we had discussed in the lesson prior. Once the students got started on their research, I went around the room helping each student with their selections and any questions they had.  I also made sure to check the students had all the information they needed before allowing them to send anything to the printer. Fabric images had to be a specific size and fabric information needed to be listed or jotted down for later use in their projects.


Beginner Fashion

Today I observed as the teacher introduced drawing shoes to the class from their unit packet. When the teacher began, she started with various questions in regards to accessories. For example, “What is an accessory?” and “What is its function?”. She later went on to go over all the different types of shoes as the class followed along on their packet handout. Then, she explained the different perspectives when drawing shoes and the most common in Fashion Design are usually frontal and profile views. I noticed how the teacher used a lot of questioning throughout the entire lesson which kept the students interested in what was being taught and also attentive. Later, she did a demonstration for the class in which she explained and drew the shoe in 2 different perspectives, profile and frontal using a projector.  The students were asked to draw along with her. Once the demo was completed, the class had about 10 minutes to work independently. I went around helping students and giving them suggestions where needed.