
Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Students work on making edits to their sketches for their embroidery design. I come around checking student’s work and giving them approval to start transferring their designs to the burlap fabric. I give the teacher graded handouts for her to enter into her gradebook. I give back student work and inform students who need to see me for a review of a specific stitch so that they can boost their grade. Students who were absent on Friday also will meet with me tomorrow to get demo of stitches missed.

Beginner Fashion

Teacher introduces new unit, fashion croqui drawing. She uses online tool, nearpod for her presentation which allows for more student interaction during the lesson. Students can draw on images from their chromebooks and answer questions. Teacher covers topics of S-curve, action lines (shoulder and hip lines), balance line, proportion, and fashion figure body length. Throughout the lesson, teacher continuously asks students questions before showing answers to keep them intrigued and interacting. She constantly demonstrates body stances and asks them to stand up and do the poses they discuss. I give some suggestions and tips to help them remember action lines on the figure.


Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Today was the 3rd day of my embroidery unit lesson. I reviewed the stitches we discussed yesterday and went on to introduce the 2 new stitches. First, I showed the video clip. Then demoed how to actually sew the stitch. After, I allowed students to practice the stitch on their own. We later did a quick identify the stitch exercise together as a class. I collected all handouts for grading. Students were to complete the homework assignment to have their designs ready with stitch indications.


Beginner Fashion

Students complete watercolor textile design projects. I help students with hair renderings and color mixing with watercolor.

Thursday-4/4/19 (*2nd Lesson Observation)

Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Today was my 2nd observation. It was the 2nd day and a continuation of the embroidery unit lesson from yesterday. Some key suggestions and reflections of today’s performance:


  • Time management: Being that yesterday, we did not have enough time to complete the lesson. I added too much extra time in today’s lesson.  I could’ve probably added the demo and practice of one more stitch. Regardless, the homework exercise activity and homework assignment both helped me to fill in the extra time. Professor did notice this as well and mentioned it to me after our meeting. *Always be prepared with more work if there is extra time at the end.
  • Motivation: *There should always be a motivation for every lesson regardless if it’s a continuation lesson.  Professor Scandura suggested using a real life situation comparing the difference in cost of a garment with embroidery and one without. He also suggested bringing in actual samples of embroideries.
  • Issues with technology: The professor mentioned how impressed he was with my quick response when the document camera was not working clearly to show the students a demo of the stitching.  With my mentors help, I quickly asked students to gather around me and watch as I did the demo.
  • Differentiation: Be sure to always add ELL student adaptations or indicate none needed.




Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Today is the first day of the new unit, Embroidery. It is the first day of my 3-day lesson on embroidery and stitches. This lesson is an introduction to their embroidery project. Some reflections of today’s lesson:


  • Time management: We did not get to actually begin to sew the 2 stitches because we took too much time prepping and setting up for actual sewing. Also, we did not get to the summary/evaluation exit ticket questions because of lack of time.
  • Preparedness: I should have pre-prepped all materials and have them ready at the commencing of class. My mentor and I had to stop to cut threads and cut burlap fabric pieces.
  • Differentiation: I noticed that some students were done before others and went ahead to start sewing because they were a little advanced and maybe already had some background knowledge. For those students, I should have had the video up on google classroom for them to access and continue on their own.


As a result of this, I had to change up my lesson plan for the next day, my observation lesson.

Fashion/Art Club

Students are introduced to the “Ocean Challenge”. Students are to create sea creatures using recycled materials provided to them. For every sea creature submitted, $4 will be given in support of ocean conservation and programs supporting youth in coastal communities.



Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Students continue to work on their bridal re-design. I walk around helping groups and giving feedback along with suggestions for adding color. Mentor and I discuss plans for lesson observation next week.

Beginner Fashion

Students continue to work on their watercolor renderings. I help students with color choices and where to apply on their garment designs.


Fashion/Art Club

Students research quotes or phrases to write on pre-painted rocks for fundraiser. I help students find good quotes to write.  I myself work on a rock.


Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Teacher is absent, I take over class and remind students of their assignment and what they should be working on for the period. Students work in groups on their bridal re-designs. Students who are waiting to paint, work on homework assignment. I make sure to pull out all needed supplies.

Beginner Fashion

Students continue to work on their watercolor design renderings. I walk around helping students as needed.


Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Students work in groups on their bridal gown re-design. I walk around observing students working. I provide some students with ideas and suggestions on how to go about the changes they want to make.

Beginner Fashion

I return graded pre-assessment activity. Students begin watercolor rendering their designs beginning with skin tone.


Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Students complete their “Vibrant Bird” projects. Teacher introduces new project which will be for them to re-design their previous bridal gown made out of paper and tulle. The students are to make small changes to make their gowns appropriate for the Spring. They will also be adding a pastel color scheme as selected by the teacher using acrylic paint. Students work on this in groups, 3 groups total. After students, go down to the school lobby to bring up their dress forms with the gowns, they work on an in-class activity. Student’s in class activity is to brainstorm in their groups and plan how they will modify and re-design their gowns.


Intermediate & Advanced Fashion

Students continued working on rendering their “Vibrant Bird” design projects. Students who are finished, ask me for approval before they begin mounting their work. Some students I help one on one to continue with shading rendering and any final touches on their sketches.

Fashion/Art Club

Students work on painting entire rocks to later be used to write a quote or phrase on it. The rocks will be used as a fundraiser.