Intermediate & Advanced Fashion
Today was my 2nd observation. It was the 2nd day and a continuation of the embroidery unit lesson from yesterday. Some key suggestions and reflections of today’s performance:
- Time management: Being that yesterday, we did not have enough time to complete the lesson. I added too much extra time in today’s lesson. I could’ve probably added the demo and practice of one more stitch. Regardless, the homework exercise activity and homework assignment both helped me to fill in the extra time. Professor did notice this as well and mentioned it to me after our meeting. *Always be prepared with more work if there is extra time at the end.
- Motivation: *There should always be a motivation for every lesson regardless if it’s a continuation lesson. Professor Scandura suggested using a real life situation comparing the difference in cost of a garment with embroidery and one without. He also suggested bringing in actual samples of embroideries.
- Issues with technology: The professor mentioned how impressed he was with my quick response when the document camera was not working clearly to show the students a demo of the stitching. With my mentors help, I quickly asked students to gather around me and watch as I did the demo.
- Differentiation: Be sure to always add ELL student adaptations or indicate none needed.