For the first time, i tried using a new presentation interface. Prezi was a wierd and unusual experience for me. I am one of those users, that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I usually use Microsoft Powerpoint for my presentations. In Prezi, the outline and format was confusing. The frames and objects were all over the place. People say that powerpoints are simple and boring and usually have a lot of writing. I like the their format better because its easy to just place objects and text and go straight to a new slide. While the visual on Prezi looks better because everything is seen in one frame and you know what to expect, you can have enough ideas on one slide in powerpoint, then go to the next one. It was alittle tough organizing our ideas on Prezi because we were new to this concept. In powerpoint, you can move slides with the click of a point. This presentation wasn’t a total loss. My group and I were able to have good visuals and we learned to try something new.