Here is the steps for making a PB&J:
1) Get 2 slices of the most preferred bread fresh from the fridge !
2) Put them on a plate
3) Grab the jelly jar and also the peanut butter one plus a knife
4) One at a time, open the jars then spread each one on each slice as needed.
5) Close the jars, clean the knife then put them back at their respective place
6) Finally, stick both slices of bread together then Enjoy !
Fabrice Douillard
TO: Fabrice Douillard
FROM: Christian Perea
DATE: September 12, 2012
The overall PB&J revision is good,you have the general idea just add more details to the steps and it’ll be better. One example would be after the first step, describe how you’re going to place the bread on the plate. Is it out in the open already? Is it in the usual plastic it comes in? Once those are added in, it’ll be great.