Category Archives: assignments

Essay 1

What is expected in this essay? In your essay, you should take a perspective on something we have read, and demonstrate its validity. In general, you state an opinion on the topic–a thesis–and provide supporting evidence for why it is … Continue reading

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Reaction To Desiree’s Baby

overall the story was very good. The theme of this story is very much lived today. race and racism are two very controversial issues that effect everyone. in the story Armand is portrayed  confident and superior to all the slaves … Continue reading

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Pictures from the Depression

I found these rare and breathtaking color pictures from the Great Depression. They really help me visualize the world Steinbeck portrayed.

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Some history for Of Mice and Men

The Migrant Experience, prepared by Robin A. Fanslow at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress We’re going to go over this material in class together on Sept 12. (You are not required to read it in advance.) Wondering what … Continue reading

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Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby”

Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby” The Kate Chopin International Society has lots of information about Chopin’s life, her work, and scholarship that has been done on her.

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The Wife of Bath’s Prologue

The Wife of Bath’s Prologue from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales This link is to a parallel text: it shows the Middle English that Chaucer wrote in on the left, and the modern translation on the right. You should concentrate on … Continue reading

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Reading Journals

This is the place to keep your reading journals. Over the course of the semester, you should post at least five responses to the assigned readings, and respond to classmates as often as you can.  These responses do not need … Continue reading

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