Monthly Archives: December 2012


I absolutely enjoyed reading this book.It was definitely different than passing and Of Mice and Men i love the language of the text  and how surreal the scenes were to real life scenarios . It caught my attention right after chicken little death. I’m not much of a reader but i did enjoy this novel … Continue reading

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This book was more interesting than the passing and mice of men  I believe that I feel that way about this book because of all the death going on made me into the book to see what would happen next. … Continue reading

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Out of all of the novels we’ve read this semester, Sula is probably my favorite. I enjoyed the story and the dialogue is a lot easier to follow vs. Passing. 

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I enjoyed this book a lot more then i enjoyed the Passing and Of Mice and Men. I liked the style of writing of Morrison. This book was not boring at all. Maybe i liked the suspense in each death and … Continue reading

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An observation on the ending. After Nel had left Sula’s funeral and realized that the feelings were still there, just dormant. It was rather expected that although they were separated, they were still the same friends they were before, only … Continue reading

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