Essay 2

Essay 2


DRAFT Due Nov 12—you must bring paper copy to class. You will not be able to participate if you do not bring a paper copy with you.

Final Paper Due Nov 19. You must turn in a paper copy.

Guidelines from Essay 1 remain in effect: you should aim to write a coherent essay of about 1000 words. You need to have a thesis statement and evidence for that thesis. You should draw your evidence directly from the texts we have studied and avoid making generalizations. Papers should use standard English and follow MLA formatting.


What do Kate Chopin and Nella Larsen’s characters tell us about the construction of racial identity, and whiteness in particular? Choose at three or four characters to discuss, at least one each from “Desiree’s Baby” and Passing.

Compare and contrast Clare and Irene’s approaches to marriage and parenting.

Larsen’s writing has been used to show how racial and sexual identity in the United States are deeply intertwined. What does the relationship between Clare and Irene show about this?

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