Class Info
- Date: Tuesday, September 13
- Meeting Info: 6-8:30pm, Room P122
Project 1: Continue Type Book: Classification of Type (pages 6 to 10 of typebook)
Please review this Quick Reference PDF with variations on weight, width, posture, contrast and serif
Learn basic type variations in width, weight, posture, contrast, serif,
- Weight (Bold, light, etc)
- Width (Extended, Expanded, Condensed, etc)
- Posture (Regular or Roman, Italic, Oblique)
- Contrast (High, low)
- Serif (brackets, angled, others)
- Continue page setup InDesign
- During class: Type Scavenger Hunt Gallery
- What is a type scavenger hunt activity?
- This is all about observation. Study the typography around you? how is it used and why?
- Go to your dashboard and create a new post: Give it categories (under the GEAR>Document>categories>STUDENT POST and STUDENT POST TYPE SCAVENGER HUNT) **Only create a new post if you haven’t done this already
- Add title: LAST name, first name: Scavenger Hunt
- Go to the small plus sign and add a GALLERY
- Then add your photos.
- Always write a caption with your comments: Where did you find your items, how they were used?
Scavenger Hunt: Variations
Scavenger Hunt Post
Examine the use of variations in type. Why are things bold, or italic? Why might something be condensed or extended?
- One example BOLD text next to regular type (also referred to as ROMAN)
- One example of ITALIC next to regular
- One example of CONDENSED typeface in use
To-Do After Class
Graphic Assignment
Pages 6 to 8 only (weight, width and posture)
Page 6: WEIGHT
Use same typeface family for all characters on this page, and
always identify the typeface and font
- 5th column Title: Type Variations: Weight
- 1st column blank
- 2rd column = a light character
- 3rd column = a regular character
- 4th column = a bold character
- Follow the same format for other pages
Page 7: WIDTH
Use same typeface family for all characters on this page and
always identify the typeface and font
- 5th column Title: Type Variations: Width
- 1st column blank
- 2rd column = a condensed character
- 3rd column = a regular character
- 4th column = an extended or expanded character
USE LOWERCASE characters
Use same typeface family for all characters on this page and
always identify the typeface and font
- 5th column Title: Type Variations: Posture
- 1st column blank
- 2rd column = a regular character
- 3rd column = blank
- 4th column = real/true italic character
- Cannot use the same typefaces used in any of Professor’s examples
Helvetica Neue, Tekton or Times) or Quick Reference Material - Save your InDesign file
- Export pages 6 to 8 as a PDF
Lastname_Firstname_variations_wwp.pdf - Follow this PDF with specifics
- Place PDF file only in Google Drive
Graphic Assignments are always due before next class, and must be placed in class drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.
Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due either during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm as indicated by instructor.
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