
Type Challenges are design assignments and discussions

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current
  • Challenges are paired with projects and course assignments thought the semester. They are structured to be completed in class within specific time and design guidelines.


Design Challenge Create New Grid Structure InDesign
Building Modular Grids with InDesign
Create multiple master grids InDesign
  • Create a new document in InDesign. File >New >uncheck Facing Pages > Name it “lastname first name _grid” Size: 11×17 inches.
  • Create New Master Pages
  • Create master pages with these grid options
  • 5×4 Grid, 10×10 Grid, 6×6 Grid, 3×3 Grid
  • Open the page panel click top right to add new master. You will setup multiple grids by using multiple master pages.
  • Double Click On The Master Page To Activate It.
  • Now that you’ve selected your master pages, you can adjust and create grid columns by going to your menu and selecting (Layout > Margins and Columns).
  • Now that you have your columns set, it’s time to create your modules for your grid. Add horizontal guides to create a modular grid by going back to menu select (Layout > Create Guides).
  • Insert new pages into your document with your new master pages. Select master page icons for pages menu and drag them in pages layout window
  • Select one grid page layout and put the grid into action. Create one layout utilizing the grid to position the type with some text you choose one point size BW
  • Export you document as a PDF select the“Visible Guides and Grids” option to show your grid in PDF name it “lastname first name _grid TC.PDF
  • Create a new post named “Last Name_First_Name_ TC_G
  • Give it categories “Student Post Type Challenge” “Type Challenge – Grid
  • Insert PDF INTO your post.
  • Comment on at least one other students work. Try to give your assessment in terms of what is working or not clear. “loving or “liking” or “being blown away” by work is OK but not helpful. What and why the work is successful and what is not working is key in refining and improving work

Due Date(s)

  • Specified time or 11:30PM the night before next class


  • Add assignment resources or readings
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