During our third class, we not only covered The History of Typography and the Five Families of Type, but  we also reviewed Typographical Anatomy.

  • If you missed the lecture on the Variation in Type and the Five Families of Typography, you can download the slides Variation in Type.
  • We learned the parts of type of similar to our body parts. Download the Type Anatomy sheet and keep it handy to help you identify the different parts of letters.
  • We watched several videos in class:

Typography tutorial: Anatomy: Parts and shapes of type

  • We learned about the Five Families of Type, and the characteristics that distinguish them. The following videos will help you with this process.

Type Anatomy and Terminology


Homework – Due Thurs, Sept 6, 2018

  • Finish the 1st and 2nd parts of our tracing exercise. In class we had an opportunity to begin tracing letterforms.
  • On the 1st sheet of tracing paper we traced one letter until we became comfortable tracing the letterform
  • On the 2nd sheet of tracing paper we created a 3-6 letter word.