Our First Day of Distance Learning Follow Up

Thank you all for joining this morning. With time, it will get smoother.

Since we met this morning, here are a few updates:

  • Computer Labs
    V217 will be open starting Thursday, March 19, according to the following schedule:
    Tuesday and Friday 9:00-5:00
    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00-7:00

    The Atrium Learning Center Computer Lab
    will be open starting Thursday, March 19, according to the following schedule:
    Monday through Friday, 9:00-5:00
  • The IT department is working to get approval for free Adobe Creative Cloud student access. Getting all the IDs ready will take a little time so be patient. In the meantime, an alternative to Adobe Creative Cloud, is Affinity Design. they are offering:
  • If you missed today’s session, or logged on late, you can view today’s ZOOM replay

I hope this is all helpful. I will keep you up to date with new information when I get it.

Coronavirus Update

Please be advised that the Communications Department is taking steps within the department to wipe down keyboards and monitors but will ultimately need your help to ensure we can keep the COMD space as safe as we can. Please remember to wash your hands frequently, and keep your hands from your face and eyes. If you are sneezing or coughing or exhibiting flu-like symptoms, please stay home and advise me or the COMD office.

Stay informed with reputable information, and check your City Tech email for any updates from the University.