Grade Allocation:
10% Quizzes (2 quizzes)
20% Design Project
10% Video Project
25% OpenLab ePortfolio Site
15% Research Reports
20% Final Exam
- Late homework and assignments will be penalized, so make sure to get all homework and assignments in on the date posted. All homework will be uploaded on Blackboard. Any assignments that are not submitted will earn a zero grade, so please submit all required work.
- Five points will be deducted from your project grade for missed critiques and deadlines.
- This is a writing intensive course, so all writing assignments should be properly typed, and submitted with the following information at the top of each page: Last Name First Initial // Section # / Assignment. Submit all digital files using the same naming convention.
- Writing assignments should be submitted electronically in PDF or .docx format.
- Class discussions will take place during the live ZOOM sessions and also on the discussion boards in-between our group meetings. Students will be required to post comments on class’s OpenLab site.
- During our ZOOM class sessions, participation will be important. When discussions are posted, everyone is expected to participate, and that includes responding and engaging with at least one other student.
- .Please name your files with this format before submitting:
COMD1112_LastNameFirstInitial_project name; ex. COMD1112_BrownM_bio - The visual quotation project must be submitted in both PDF and JPEG. Rubrics for the eportfolio project, the research report, the video project and the Eportfolio will are available on our OpenLab page under Projects. Be sure to backup all your work on both a USB drive and on a service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
Communication via Grades will be done via Blackboard’s Grade Center:
Our class’s grade book will be on Blackboard. You should check your grades regularly under My Grades. Your midterm grade will also be posted on Blackboard. This semester, per the college’s academic calendar, midterm grades must be posted by October 29th. If you have any questions about any of your grades, please email me.
Before a grade is given on your projects and reports, feedback will be given via Blackboard. Comments will also be provided on the project rubrics that can be found in the Projects section of this site.
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