In class on Wednesday, we will…
- Review Checklist for Reflective Annotated Bibliography
- Introduce report templates on and select a couple that you like. Canva
- Since it’s the middle of the semester, we start one-on-one conferences with students today. For the next three class meetings, I will meet with students to discuss their progress on their current assignment as well as in class generally. While I meet with individual students, the rest of the class will be working on completing their first draft of their RAB assignment.
- Use this handout today so students can work in class on their conclusions while you hold conferences. Encourage students to be as specific as possible when listing the things that surprised them while researching, and the people who need to hear the information they’ve discovered. Also: the final question on the handout asks students to schedule a time to work on the draft. This is important too! It lets them practice some time-management and self-scheduling.
In class Friday,
- As I continue to meet with studends individually, class time will be spent continuing work on RAB assignments. Remember, first drafts are due on next Wednesday.
- Focus today should be on working towards your conclusion. You can use this handout to help write your conclusion!
For homework,
- Complete first draft of RAB assignments. This should be typed and printed (ideally) or available to read on laptop/tablet/phone.
- Complete = Introduction + 3 Source Entries + Conclusion
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