Graphic or Images posted

Grpahic 7. 04-24-15

Graphic and Image 6 04/24/15

Pictures and References 1

Pictures and References 2

Picture 5

Picture 6


3 Responses to Graphic or Images posted

  1. Hi Buenaventura,
    Please see my comment from March 31st. I don’t see any new images posted for the last assignment maybe more depending on the dates of the images already posted.

  2. Please differentiate between weeks on your graphics and images, I have no idea what you did when. Also be careful about your grammar.

  3. Hi Buenaventura,
    Nice images, but I would also like you to include why you chose each image and how and where you think each image will fit into your booklet.

    In addition I would like you to properly format your references (APA style) the way they will be cited in your book.

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