Category Archives: About College


I never thought I’d be able to say I’m going back to school. Graduating from high school was a struggle. I was absent more than present my senior year. When I took the entry exams I thought I was setting myself up for failure.  Failing the CATW, Math test and barley passing the reading I thought I was doomed. Worried I wouldn’t be able to pass my classes or have time for my class/home work. How will I be able to go to school and be able to take care of my wife and kids? When will I have time for them? Where would I get the money for tuition? All these brought great concern to my start in college.

One semester in and I’m ecstatic about the progress I’ve made. Passing all my classes with grades I didn’t know I was able to get. Also doing it without missing class is something I didn’t dream of doing or saying. Being a perfectionist that I am, I expect to stay on the deans list, be at the top in all my classes and graduate in honors. I am very excited about this journey. Learning new things, meeting new people, and livid about conquering a challenge that I would’ve never seen myself doing. Can’t wait for August 17, to pass the CATW. English 1101 here I come!!!

About college ~ Carlos Mejia

The main things im worried about college is the classes. I’m scared i may fail a class or may not even understand it. I’m also worried about wasting money, and not just tuition/degree wise; but buying food while I’m at school or even buying metrocard/ gas – if I decide to get a Car- just to get to the college. Another big thing that worries me is meeting new people. I’m a very shy kid and hate talking to new people; dont really like goimg up to people right away. I usually wait a couple days or even weeks to start communicating to others.

When I became a senior in high school the only thing that was on my mind was getting into college  getting into college was an accomplishment for me but I always felt like college was going to be the same way that you hru make it look on television I thought college was all about fun and meeting new people but now that I’m in college I know college isn’t all about have fun and meeting new people you also have to pass your classes and stay on top of your stuff college is ment to get people for the real world. I’m scared for school to actually begin because I don’t know what type of professors I’m going to have. One thing that I have to get better at is time management and I also have to grow out of my laziness and become more active when it comes towards school

About College-Kathleen

So far, so good college is feeling easy just as I suspected; only because I have two classes. The real fun begins in the fall. The fall semester will determine my strength and ability to maintain a stress free and focused mind. I am worried that once the time hits I will not live up to my expectation nor have a determined and positive attitude to keep up the good work in college, and will give up easily with out putting up a fight. In general I am worried that my confidence will lower than what it is. But I have this other part of me that is anxious but excited to meet new people and start out fresh. As of now I am trying my best to pass my remedial class in order to start like every incoming freshman and also to show that I was able to pass a class to go on to the next level of that class subject. I am well aware as the days go on by the more I want to be able to achieve a PhD to become a Doctor and have a title. That is my goal!!

About college

Going to college was one of my biggest fears in life. I say this because I personally do not like school, so how is a person who doesn’t like school supposed to graduate college? I hope my first semester of college is positive. Meaning having strong relationships with my professors, breaking out of my comfort zone and keeping my grades up. One thing I worry about is failing. Being so stressed out with not having this balance between work and school. Some obstacles that I will face is time management, organization as well studying. I am always late to everything and late with everything. I need to fix that because when assignments are due I need to make sure that they are handed in on time. Studying is another obstacle that I have to face. I can study for about ten minutes and be over it. I need to pick up some studying habits which will not bore me to death. I hope that college will open many doors for me and give me outstanding opportunities. My goal is to pass all of my classes no matter what term or class I am in and to never give up if something is either stressing me out or making me upset. As well to get these degrees and make  a weathlty income for myself.

About College-Dina

My biggest concern about college is spending the time and money to get a degree and then not being able to get a job. For instance my cousin received her bachelors in the criminal justice field and it’s been a month since she’s graduated and she has yet to get a job. Therefore one of my concerns is questioning if I chose the right major, Human Services. Another one of my concerns about college is time management, If I will be able to manage going to school, working, having a relationship and time for myself. And If I can’t handle all those main priorities it will blow up in my face. Lastly If I can’t handle the pressure of finals , papers and midterms and crack under pressure. My goal in college is to build bridges with my professors and then be able to go to them if I have trouble with any assignment and maybe helpful when it comes to the work field and I need references. Another goal I have for college is afterwards I want to be able to get a job that I enjoy doing while making good money.

My biggest obstacle would have to be the lack of confidence I have in myself. I don’t work well under pressure and I’m always second guessing myself on the decision I made to attend college. Due to the fact that my sister received her bachelors even after she was a teen mom. She continued her studies throughout high school and onto college and she was able to graduate only one semester more when she was suppose to .On top of all this hassle she had my nephew who was such a kick ass mom too! . So you can imagine the pressure I am under, I have no kids and if my sister was able to do it there is no way I won’t be able to do it . Everyone just expects it to be easy for me and I wouldn’t want to let anyone down.

About College

Here’s where you’ll post your thoughts about being in college (excitements, worries, expectations, successes, failures). Do this at the end of each week.

Be sure to click on the About College box in the Categories menu on the right, and then hit Publish.