Author Archives: kassim

When I became a senior in high school the only thing that was on my mind was getting into college  getting into college was an accomplishment for me but I always felt like college was going to be the same way that you hru make it look on television I thought college was all about fun and meeting new people but now that I’m in college I know college isn’t all about have fun and meeting new people you also have to pass your classes and stay on top of your stuff college is ment to get people for the real world. I’m scared for school to actually begin because I don’t know what type of professors I’m going to have. One thing that I have to get better at is time management and I also have to grow out of my laziness and become more active when it comes towards school

Description – Kassim

I am using this picture because this is where I grew up when I was young it isn’t really  diverse it’s just a lot of black people in my neighborhood. When I walk outside I see building coner stores barber shops I also see cars and busses the the smell that I am involved around is  cigarettes I hate the smell of them but for some reason other like to smoke it  the good smells are the different types of food that are being made around the area the different types of noises I hear are old men yell from outside and dogs barking at each other.