1. I couldn’t discuss only one person that gives me strength and hope for my future, so the five people in my life that give me that are my grandfather, grandma, mother, brother and boyfriend. They are so encouraging and truthful, even though my grandma isn’t here with me today she was still these things. Since day one my family has been so supportive of every achievement as well as every decision I have ever made. They always tell me to live for myself and be great at whatever I want to be or do in life. They inspire me so much because of what they have been through. My grandfather was born and raised in Puerto Rico until he was sixteen then he moved to New York. His family barely had any money and still he was able to become a successful man with a loving wife and three outstanding children. My mother who was an patient care techian, ended loosing her job, never gave up and still was positive and managed to find another job within a week. My brother who has been in an accident that has changed his life forever, still manages to be positive and continues to push himself to get better. And my boyfriend who is such a intelligent, inspiring, creative guy who always has a positive attitude. Without these people in my life I could not be the person I am today.