Jacquelyn Blain

Ahsan Aziz – Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Ahsan Aziz. To put a face to the name; see the photo above. I am in my final semester of studies here at the New York City College of Technology, and am currently working as an Engineer on a Bridge Rehabilitation Project in Long Island, New York. Previously, I attended the Grove School of Engineering at the City College of New York.

Since a major unit of discussion for the first few weeks of the course will be discourse communities; I will introduce myself in terms of that. I am an American-Pakistani. Meaning I was born in America, however my religious, ethnical and cultural values most closely align with those that are found in Pakistan. Often times; I refer to myself as a Hybrid Pakistani, because I believe I’m just as much of an American as I am Pakistani. I spent 5 adolescent years of my life in Pakistan from the age of 10-15, and that has provided me a valuable insight on my perspective of a variety of topics.

Despite commuting 120+ miles every day for work; I love travelling and exploring what nature and the world has to offer. I also love playing soccer. In the process, I have met quite a large amount of people from all backgrounds, professions, cultures and hobbies and subsequently have learned something from everyone that I believe has transformed me into a “citizen of the world”. I am looking forward to virtually collaborate with everyone this semester in our English Composition II course, and learning about everyone else and their experiences.


  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Wow! You have already had one busy life :-). I personally think “citizen of the world” is a terrific aspiration. After all, we are all connected more closely these days thanks to the internet, right? Nice to have your perspective in the class.

  2. Natalie Mercado

    A “citizen of the world”! What a great outlook you have. Don’t think I would be able to commute so far everyday. Give you lots of credit. Thanks for the friend request!

    • Anonymous

      Correction not sure how to edit comments. Wrong friend sorry. You can add me if you want not sure how it works.

      • Natalie Mercado

        Last comment was from me. Learning how to use this. Accidentally logged out. Lol

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