Jacquelyn Blain

Rubben’s Introduction

tell us a bit about who you are, give us something we won’t know right away, and include an image… like this…

Hey everyone, my name is Rubben however I preferred to be called Junior. I am a sophomore at City tech, majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology. It has always been a dream of mine to be somewhat of a mechanic and watching Tony Stark in in literally all the ironman movies got me even more interested. I know for most part it was all made up however I feel as if I could be a brilliant mechanic as he was. I moved to the USA a couple of years ago and I’m honestly loving my experiences so far. People are friendly but cautious. Generally lovely environment. And also, a great adventure.

I really have no idea what I’m going to do with my Mechanical knowledge after I graduate yet however I know I will be proud of myself because whatever it is I do; I know it will be amazing. Also RDJ is just a great actor and person

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Hi Junior (I’ll do my best to remember to call you by the right name!). I’m quite the Tony Stark/Mavel geek myself. Did you feel like the kid in Iron Man 3, the one that Tony befriended and helped (and who helped him)? That would have been awesome! That is one GREAT picture, by the way. RDJ has certainly redeemed himself from the misadventures of his youth; he’s always been an amazing actor, and if it weren’t for him (and Jon Favreau), we wouldn’t have the MCU at all. I think one of my favorite sequences in all the MCU movies is the first Iron Man where he’s building the suit with the ‘help’ of the robots. Still makes me laugh. Anyway, welcome to the class!

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