Jacquelyn Blain

Discourse Community – Gustavo Sosa

A community that I believe I am part of is the gaming community. I’ve been gaming since I was a kid. There’s many gaming communities you can join. Discord is a good place to join gaming communities to find players to play with. You can also find applications in the app store where you can find players to play with. Nowadays gaming has become competitive. Everyone shares the same goal of being the best player/gamer. There’s tournaments that only the best of the best can participate in and win a huge amount of money. The “languages” that I learned in this community is “No life” which according to a Google search means “One who does not have a social life”, “He’s One Shot” which means the enemy player is 1 hit till they’re eliminated, “GG” which means Good Game usually used after a game/round finished and “AFK” which means “Away From Keyboard” used when you’re going away from your computer. There’s an endless amount of gaming phrases. 

Another community that I am part of is a game developer community. In this community game developers help each other out if they have an issue solving a code/error or trying to achieve a goal. There’s game developers with different experience levels. Some are very experienced developers who help out new developers who don’t have much experience. I myself began game development as a hobby a year ago with zero knowledge. I self taught myself with youtube tutorials and with the help of the community. In this community everyone shares the same goal; To create an amazing game that gamers can enjoy. The “languages” that I had learned in this community are words such as “Functions”, “Instances”, “Events”, “Loops”, ect. These words sound random but game developers know what they are and what they’re meant to do. 

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    These are two good DCS to choose from! You’re one of the few students I’ve had who really talk about the gaming community language as a whole, which I appreciate. Whichever way you go, you already have a great start.

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