Jacquelyn Blain

Discourse Communities-Erick Criollo

A discourse community I would say I would be part of would be part of a cooking community with friends and family. I would also say I am part of a basketball community. I would say I am part of a cooking community with my friends and family because all together we aren’t trying to become professionals, we just like to learn from each other and improve our skills on it. Being with them and seeing them cook has made me learn many new things from different seasons to use, different ways of cooking things for a better flavor, etc. Our language would be that we are more connected to more Hispanic food and improving it then creating new types of dishes. We learned this type of language from just living at home and hearing it from our parents or other family members, something we got used to growing up. I don’t think there are any specific words that would have made me feel part of the in-crowd, as we just have all always got along and usually say whatever that can help us.

I would also say I am part of a basketball community. Recently starting this year I got more into playing it and I find it very fun I am not advanced, but I’ve been trying to improve with my cousins as they as well are on similar skill levels and want to improve as well. We usually play once every two weeks as it’s something that we just started to kick off. Our language would be just like the basic beginner terms of playing talking about layups, 3 pointers, etc. I learned this type of language in middle school. I used to be in after school and we would play basketball and they taught us a couple things there so I had an idea of what to say. A couple words I would say that helped me be part of the in-crowd were explaining some of the rules like false take back, and how travel works as some of them didn’t know what they were.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Both of those are good, actually. And you may be talking about the language of the group rather than a specific word, which is just fine!

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