My beat is going to be about how the Ukraine war is showing a new, unseen, generation of online warfare. How just one internet post can cost lives, or get people to fight for a certain country, cause distrust in their governments. I need to know more about what specifically governments are doing to wage this online war, Where is it being mostly fought, twitter? tictok? How is it influencing the way Americans view the conflict , Have the different political parties flipped their views on interventionalism because of it? i think my target audience will be people who use these platforms, maybe more specifically twitter, because on retweet or repost that you made without knowing the information was false can have real world effects, maybe even costing lives. There are many stories I can use to make this interesting to the audience, like maybe telling some real stories and mixing them in with a fake one to test if the reader themselfs can even tell them apart. to find this information its gonna have to be through what news papers report and what the official accounts of countries or representatives of countries post on twitter, which would be a primary source.