My beat would be focused on how personal computers developed over time.I want to know how this invention changed the game for everyone and how everyone felt about this new invention.This story would be interesting to my readers because I know that everyone that has a computers is very grateful for it and for all the wonders it helps them accomplish exactly when it comes to work and school.This techknowledge is all around and I know that some people are curious to how it came to be.I would look up Β personal computers developed over time and see what articles show picture and describe how all of our personal computers came to be and how are they different from each other in the way they wore design.I would publish it on Twitter,FaceBook,YouTude,and any other big used platform because I know a lot of people would see it due how technologically advanced we are and how a lot of people stay on the internet 24/7 I know for a fact that my article would be seen and reacted too. The reason I find this interesting is because over time the technology that we have today would be obsolete to the future that awaits us and me personally. I’m in love with the fact that we could build our own computer just from buying all the necessary parts you would need to build it. Also if you just know how to work a computer and the ins and outs of it you’ll be able to understand how most of these technologies are created and how it caused mostly everyone that are exposed to these technological advancesΒ  to be connected to loved ones and other people all over the world just from using your personal computer.