Jacquelyn Blain

feature proposal-Hamza

what makes me curious and knowledgeable about boxing is the journey of professional boxers and the stages they go through to make their name big in the sports of boxing. Obviously no one comes in the game with all the medals, they have to achieve them and to achieve them, they have to put in a lot of hard work. Furthermore, many people who dislike going to the gym may find boxing to be a fun workout because it relieves stress from the human body. There is some critics out there who will say boxing should be banned because of how dangerous this sport it and it is definitely one of the sports with the highest casualties. But, do they realize that boxing is a full time job for some people who actually depend on it fully to feed their families. And also, there is a lot of people who dont have access to education and boxing is the only opportunity they have because it helps them stay out of poverty. My target audience is the people who go through stress, anxiety and diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases etc because I think boxing is the cure for these problems since fitness boxing is an excellent aerobic workout. Aerobic exercise increases heart rate and reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It can help you build stronger bones and muscles, burn more calories, and improve your mood. And also, I want to prove the people wrong who say boxing should be banned. The arguments against banning the boxing and the advantages of boxing will make this feature article interesting. Also, I will shed light on how people do boxing as a full time job to make earning and how it help turn young men away from violent crime. Websites will probably be the best way to find information about this article.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is a really interesting topic, but I worry that you’re trying to do too much: history of boxing, some successful boxers, talking to people who should try boxing because of their medical condition, showing how boxing isn’t a bad thing. I’d say pick the one direction you’re most interested in. We can figure out the audience more specifically once you do that.

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