What I know alot about is:

Β I know alot about formula one. It’s the only sport I currently keep up with, and know a lot of information about.

What I’m passionate about is:

Β Im passionate about movies. I love being apart of anything fiction and being immersed in a film or tv show. It’s one of the things that brings me excitement and joy.

What I start Googling when I have nothing better to do is:

I would google anything to entertain myself. Either looking at a Youtube video, fashion shows, or news I see online.

What would make me crazy if someone told me to stop doing this is:

Cutting me off from all forms of entertainment. Like watching sports as I listed, tv, and social media. Or getting rid of my phone.

What makes me really angry is:

Hypocrisy in the world, injustice, and all things that aren’t for me.