Jacquelyn Blain

Malik Alhammami-Junot Diaz

Hi, My Name is Malik alhammami and for me, there were some paragraphs where I had to reread what it said to try to understand what it means and it mostly had to do with the idea of “fuku”. one moment where it confused me and I also wrote a question in the annotations is when it says that the death of JFK was caused by fuku and not by”KGB” or a “lone gunmen”. what I don’t understand is is it trying to actually tell us what he believes happened during the murder or is he just calling what happened “fuku”. He says early in the article that fuku is a curse or doom, so I guess he is also saying that JFK was cursed. but with that, it also brings up who cursed him if it wasn’t the “lone gunmen”. Another thing that confused me was nearly at the end of the article another example of “Fuku” was the “twelve daughter Uncle”. this uncle believed that he had been cursed by an old lover of his to only have daughters, hence why he only had 12 daughters and sons. This interested me because he states that this is fuku. Since his ex-lover cast fuku on him is it easy to cast fuku on a person if his ex was able to do it and I also don’t understand how fuku is cast or spread to a person. and right after this it says even if you aren’t superstitious and don’t believe in fuku, ” fuku believes in you” does this mean nobody is safe from fuku? Does fuku have to do with religion and if you are a good and religious person would you be able to be “cursed” to is anybody able to be affected and what the process in giving anther person “fuku”

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Those are great questions! Fuku and religion is an interesting intersection if you know the history of places like the DR.

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