Jacquelyn Blain

Darcy introduction

Writing helps us express our feelings towards a certain topic and allows us to engage more with ourselves and help others to understand what we’re trying to say. It helps us build confidence and power. For instance, growing up I was always taught that school was important because without school I wouldn’t be able to land a job, have no skills, or even have money in the bank. I was taught the importance of filling my brain with different subjects and taking those subjects and living with them. I didn’t like memorizing every little thing in school, I felt like some things were less important than others. I’ve always told myself “what is the reason we are learning about these things? why are we being taught something that has nothing to do with us.” Back when I was in high school, I didn’t seem to take education seriously, I would always find excuses as to why I didn’t want to do certain things or even sit in a classroom with other students who looked like they didn’t want to be there at all. I learned that those things we were being taught were the reasons why we are here today. How we became where we are now. Years down the road after I had graduated high school I knew that I didn’t want to go in this world without a job or money or even simple skills to survive, so I did what I thought I’d never do… and that was going back to school. Education had impacted me because I got to learn about a topic that I would have never thought I’d be in the field for till this day. I got to learn about Graphic Design for about a year, I had the opportunity to put my skills to the test and landed a great job teaching other students the same knowledge I was taught. I felt free and felt at home. I wanted others to feel the same way I felt and take their knowledge and skills and set them free. I knew that I wanted to learn more, I wanted to pursue a college degree and take that information and take advantage of a gift I had. Not only for myself but for the future. I’ve come to realize that learning new things is okay, even if you have to take baby steps, you’re still stepping out and realizing the importance of education in our society. You grow and I want to keep on growing and I want to thank those who pushed me to become who I am today, and that is… a designer.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    That is such an inspiring story! I think sometimes when we’re in school that we forget why we’re here. I know I still do, and it takes somebody re-affirming how important education and learning new skills to excel in this century actually is for me to remember. Thank you!

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