Jacquelyn Blain

Introductions- Jonathan R

Hi my name is Jonathan. This is my second semester at city tech and I’m majoring communication design. In terms of the text and video we watched, I never thought that someone can be so affected by someone else’s view on them that they have to think about the way they say their name. Thankfully it hasn’t occurred to me mostly because its very generic but if it were to happen I would also think twice upon saying it. Having others consistently tell you your wrong based off of their misconceptions can drive you crazy. Eventually I definitely see it affecting someone like it did in the video which is very unfortunate. During class I have greatly improved the way I read things like the text on perusall. I try to see their perspective from what they’re stating and why they decide to write it. This way you can find the importance of the information being given without actual context. My goals throughout life are to find something I enjoy doing and make it my profession. So far I like photography and hoping to learn UI/UX design. I just don’t want to make something my career and not enjoy it or else my life would be miserable.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Those are great career choices. It’s always best to pick something in a field you truly love. By the way, Garry P is also a Comm Design student, so you might want to check out his post and say hi.

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