The downside of technilogical advance

“The Machine stops”  was written by E.M. Forster. The author portrays  a world into the future, by showing people’s lives existing in the interior of the earth .The impetus for the migration is the destruction of the surface of the earth. There are two main characters in the story, Vashti, the mother, and her son Kuno. The story begins with a description of a small room, where lives Vashti, who spend most her time in armchair.  In the beginning of the story we see conversation between the mother and  her son through the telephone. Huno tried to explain his mother  that he wants to see her in person not from the plate, which is the standard communication method. “The Machine is much, but it is not everything. I see something like you in this place, but I do not see you. I hear something like you through telephone, but I do not hear you”(page2). However, the mother is irritable by his request and does not  understand his son. She does not see any necessity to see each other  face to face. Technology has such an overwhelmingly predominate position in her life that even the relationship with her son became less important to her. “I have called you before, mother, but you were aways busy or isoleted”.The author utilizes many dialogs in his writings which enable him to emphasize the differenses between son and his mother.

Kuno portrays a rebel against a social life made everyone  dependence  only with technological world. “We create the Machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now. It has robbed us of the sense of space and of the sense of touch, it has blurred every human relation and narrow down love to carnal act, it has paralysed our body and our wills, and now it compels us to worship it. Machine develops-but not on our lines”(page 15). Currently, everyone use to many different means of technology that it starts controlled out life. Our vision is impossible without such a things as phones, internet, computers. The author shows in his story the downside of technilogical advance .The technilogical development is conducive to reducing human contact and isolating people from each other.

The moral question in the story

The short story ” The Ones Who Walk Away from the Omelas ” , is written by the American  Le Guin,  and takes place in the city of the Omelas “.  It begins with a description of the activity on the street and actions of city dwellers during the “Festival of the Summer”.  At first glance, the view of the city provides a picture of a perfect place. The place described by the narrator is very joyful and happy, with descriptions such as ” the music  beats faster”, and “people went dancing” .
The author utilizes comparison and repetition techniques in his writing which enables him to emphasize the story  and create an appealing world for the reader. An excellent example if the techniques is the constant garage of Words “happy” and “joy”. Further, the author uses Another interesting technique using the narrator to ask questions of the reader. It engages the reader directly and encourages the reader to think and be involved in the development of the story. “Do you believe? Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy?”(page4).  The narrator tests the reader. She wants to knows how they will react in this situation.
However, In the middle of the story we realize, that not everyone seems to be happy in this seemingly idyllic place. A child  “… was born defective, or perhaps it has become imbecile throughout fear, malnutrition, and neglect”(page4). She describes how it was locked in a dark room. The narrator creates conflict for the reader. The reader is drawn to the seemingly perfect nature if events and then that realization is brought to an abrupt halt. Now the reader has realized that the city of the Omelas  is not as happy and perfect city as it appears in the beginning. The reader sees the dark side of this place hidden and locked in a tiny room. The narrator does not clarify if the victim is a boy or a girl, with In each society it is different.
We are led to believe the People of the Omelas are living in a happy world. No one wants to accept that their happiness ” depends wholly on this child’s abominable misery”. In the end of the story, people who can not  accept the truth of this reality and be happy knowing that one child is suffering, make a choice  to leave the city. “The place they go toward is a place even less imaginable to most of us thanks the city of happiness…But they seem to know where they are going,the one who walk away from Omelas”(page7).  These people can not live peacefully.  They are free to choose for themselves. This short story is a question to society… It is a question to ourselves. Can we live with our happiness at the expense if the suffering of others? It is a question about happiness and freedom.

Who is Anna Norris?



I am an ambitious young woman who came to the United States from Russia.  Ever since I have been learning and growing in various ways, especially in understanding myself and my goals for the future.  Although I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Travel Industry Management, but I feel that I need to explore my potential as a graphic designer. Graphic design appeals to me on many levels and I am hoping that the classes I am taking at the New York City College of Technology will help solidify my career goals. I am very open to learning as much as I possibly can from other professionals and developing my skills and talents in this area.

In fact, art and artistic expression has always been something close to my heart. My love of museums only increased when I moved to New York several years ago. For the first time in my life, I was exposed to an entire spectrum of museums that were well financed, well rounded and spectacular. I found myself returning to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa many times over. In my years there my parents would take me to different museums and art museums and I was always fascinated with the exhibits.  I found myself returning to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa many times over. Frankly, in my early visits I tended to enjoy the nature of the Met more than MoMa, it was easier to understand and identify with some of the more traditional exhibits on display at the Met. The more esoteric nature of the MoMa exhibits would sometimes leave me grasping for the deeper meaning of the artist. However, this started to change significantly when I started studying Graphic Design at CUNY. The artistic requirements that are required to be a good graphic artist translated more closely to the modern art at MoMa. I found that I was able to identify with the concepts of abstract art much more closely than in the past. I was developing true appreciation and admiration for the creativity required to create a piece of abstract art. In fact, I found that I was starting to bring a more “abstract” approach to my work at University. I was truly developing a more abstract and creative thought process in my work.

Also, I am also very interested in Broadway performances and various cultural events around town. Gallery openings are also events that I frequent often.  In other words, I enjoy art and see its importance in our world. I feel strongly connected to art on a personal level and also see myself as part of this industry.

My weaknesses is writing . I enjoy reading books, specially history and art books, but I have difficulties to organized my thoughts in writings. I am taking this course, Perspective in Literature,  because is required and thursday class fits my schedule.  However, I am hoping this class help me become a better writer and improve my writings skills.