Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

4/8/24: Homework: Murray “The Maker’s Eye”

On Perusall, please read the short Donald Murray piece, “The Maker’s Eye” and post at least three (3) comments in the margins of Murray’s essay, and respond to at least three (3) of your classmates’ comments, or my comments. I also want you to answer the four (4) questions at the end of the essay and post them here in the comment section below. If you have any questions, let me know.


  1. achraf belli

    1-Murray defines information as the content or material presented in a piece of writing, while meaning refers to the message or significance. Understanding this difference helps writers ensure that their message is effectively communicated and understood by their audience

    2-According to Murray, writers become concerned about individual words during the revision part in the writing.

    When Murray says “language leads [writers] to meaning” in paragraph 24, he means that the specific words and language choices writers make it easier to ship the correct message and the real meaning of the writing to the audiences

    3-I think he means by  The Maker’s Eye in the title that the writer need to know how to analyze his own work and be critical after revising his writing 

    4-According to Murray a piece of writing is never totally finished because we always as a writers need revision to make the message and the meaning more clear and coherent.

    The function of deadlines for him is to help the writer to know when he stop revising and submit his work 

  2. Giselle

    1. Murray defines information as a good piece of writing built from specific, accurate, and interesting information. Also, Murray defines meaning as a build to a pattern of significance. The distinction between the two terms is important because it’ll clarify the concepts behind the terms.
    2. Writers do become concerned about the individual words that they are using because their could be some writers that think this word doesn’t make sense or could be wrong to use in a sentence. I think what Murray means when he says in paragraph 24 that “language leads to meaning” is that language will always have a specific meaning like language will always mean something.
    3. I think what he means by this “the maker’s eye” is to revise on your writing to make sure if the the essay makes sense and to see if nothing is missing or needs to be fixed in your grammar. The maker’s eye could be different from the reader’s eye because the reader focuses on completing their first draft and the maker focuses on the start of their writing process.
    4. According to Murray, The piece of the writing is never finished because in paragraph 30 it saids that “A piece of writing is never finished.” For him the function of the deadlines is never finished, not until it is delivered to the deadline.
  3. Caleb Aryeetey

    1. Murray defines information as been part of a good piece of writing that is built from specific, accurate and interesting information whiles meaning can be defined as a pattern of information that must carry the reader toward a meaning. The distinction between the two is important because it helps the reader to understand what he will be expecting and also give meaning to the reader as to the whole meaning of the article.
    2. Writers become concerned about the individual words they are using when what they are writing does not formulate to a good understanding and also those words should be use in a different part of the writing. Also in paragraph 24 Murray is saying that the more people are able to express their self in english but use the way they understand it in their language also leads to a good and understandable essay which gives clear meaning of what the author is saying.
    3. According to Murray I think the title “the maker’s eye” is to let the writer know that they always have to pay attention to how they formulate and create their essay carefully including the words they use and always keep an eye to revise over what they have written. Also the maker’s eye could be different from the readers eye because the maker has to be attentive and keep revising their writing whiles the reader is reading to get understanding and the purpose of the writing.
    4. According to Murray a piece of writing is considered to never to be finished because the writer keeps tearing and revising his work to come out with the best draft. The deadline functions for him if there was a couple days, time for another chance and days for him to complete his work but there is not enough time for him to meet the deadline.

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