Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

3/31/24: Three (3) sources for RAB (Unit 2) projects (with credibility check), narrowed down research topic

Please share your (narrowed down, not too general or wide in scope) research question/topic in the response section below.

Also, post links (or citations if not online/digital) for three sources you’ve found after researching on your topic. Sources can include websites, news reports, books, academic journal articles, videos, etc. Where is your source from? Is it credible/believable? Why? Explain.
Share your research topic and three (3) sources by posting in the comment section. If you have any questions, or want to discuss your research topic, please contact me.


  1. Giselle – This source is from google scholar and it’s believable because drinking from bottle water isn’t healthy since it’s on a plastic bottle and it causes water pollution because of the plastic chemicals that are inside in a bottle and I believe that tap water is safer because it doesn’t cause damage to the water.

    This source is from a magazine and it’s credible because I’m still like unsure if everywhere in the tap water has dangerous chemicals that can last forever.

    This source is from the news report and it’s believable because it’s true that in the U.S. tap water may be contaminated because the water pollution has already spread and it has dangerous chemicals that can affect our health when we drink water from the tap water.

  2. kenny

    I chose four articles, and an extra one just in case the article did not fit my composition. These were all found in Gale, the first two are articles and the last two are Viewpoint essays. I chose these articles because I probably read the author’s content and opinions that interest me.

  3. Caleb

    Effects of the warming of the earth by the activities of humans and this can destroy the earth in the future.


    To help control global warming and the harmful effects it has on human beings and other living things and help protect the ecosystem. 




    The information I shared is from a credible source which entails  questions  on  how global warming is affecting the earth and it causes. 


    My research is from a credible source because they are from well known research sources and experts in the area of environmental studies and the issues of global warming and the endangerment of animals.

  4. Valentina Martinez

    Comparative between the tragedies in Rana Plaza, Savar Upazila (2013) and in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, New York (1911)


    Jimenez, G. C., & Kolsun, B. (Eds.). (2014). Fashion law: A guide for designers, fashion executives, and attorneys.

    Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

    Siddiqi, D. M. (2017). Afterword: politics after Rana plaza. Unmaking the Global Sweatshop: Health and Safety of the World’s Garment Workers, 275-282.

    Otlewski, D. (2014). The incubation of environmental disasters: Case study of the Rana Plaza collapse, Bangladesh.

    Evans, E. A. (2016). Globalized garment systems: theories on the Rana Plaza disaster and possible localist responses.

  5. Turiqul khan

    My topic is the Immigrant struggle in the USA. Every year thousands of people come to America to permanently leave this country. when they come to the USA they have to face lots of problems. they have to struggle to get a better life. I found some resources that explain on new Immigrants people how they face the problem.

    1.Understanding the U.S. Immigrant Experience: The 2023 KFF …KFF › report-section › understanding-th…

    This source classifies the immigrant and their survey on new Immigrants and how they face problems in the USA however These sources help me to find the new Immigrants struggling with life.

    2 Immigration Surges to Top of Most Important Problem ListGallup › poll › immigration-surges-top…

    This information I take from Google. They have information about new Immigrants and what they have faced problem.

    3 As cities struggle to house migrants, Biden administration …CBS News › Politics

    My last resource shows what are the problems right now Immigrant and Non-Immigrant people.

  6. Farhan Zaman

    My topic is the impact of online education. Every student have to face lot’s of problem because of online class. sometimes they doesn’t understand What does the assignment about. I found some resources that explain What kind of problem face.


    This resource explain how challenging online learning.



    This resources taken from youtube. It’s explaining how student can do well in online class.

  7. Eshrak Khan

    Topic: Psychological effects of social media on teenagers.

    Source 1: Google Scholar:

    This article show Globally, 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental health issues, with anxiety and depression being the most prevalent. These conditions often lead to academic and social challenges and increased risk of substance abuse and suicidal behaviors. Increased mental health awareness and digital connectivity have encouraged more young people to seek help. Social media usage, while facilitating connections, also poses potential risks to mental health.

    Source 2: YouTube, TeDX

    Bailey Parnell’s TEDx Talk explores how social media can lead to anxiety and depression, emphasizing the psychological stress from constant social comparison, the need for validation, fear of missing out, and exposure to online negativity.

    Source 3:

    This source discusses how social media negatively impacts teenagers’ mental health, increasing anxiety, depression, and loneliness. It also notes that digital communication reduces essential social skills and emotional resilience, emphasizing the importance of real-world interactions to counteract these effects.

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