You will take the ENG 1101ML D105 midterm tomorrow in class. There are two parts on the exam, accompanying two short reading passages. For Part 1, I am sure you will find working on these activities related to summaries and thesis statements useful.
Here are the directions for both parts A and B (read the directions carefully, and please feel free to ask me any questions you have):
For this exam, you will:
(a) Read and annotate two thematically-related articles
(b) Write a summary of reading A
(c) Write an essay in which you support your statements with the ideas from readings A & B
Part 1. Annotation and Summary: Reading A (20 points)
Please read the following article using some of the reading strategies we discussed in class, such as underlining main ideas, highlighting, and annotating. You will be graded on your annotations and summary.
Part 2. In-Class Essay Writing (80 points)
Please write an essay responding to the theme of happiness represented in both reading A and reading B. Consider what the authors believe about this topic, and develop your essay by writing a clear thesis statement that expresses your opinion about happiness. In your essay, make sure to do the following:
- Support your thesis statement with personal and academic experiences and observations
- Paraphrase, cite, and/or properly quote ideas from the readings
- Draw equally from both readings
- Review your essay before submitting it
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