ENG 1101 ML-D100 Course Schedule

 WEEK 1 W 8/28/24

Introduction to the course, syllabus review, student introduction, detailed review of grading policies, introduction to all platforms. -Brief paragraph introducing yourself, and about what you expect to learn from this course.  Writing Diagnostic Discussion of relationship between reading & writing; reading/writing diagnostics. -Fill out student profileQuestionnaire -Activate school emails. – Download Microsoft office  -Create free Perusall account
Perusall course code: BELKNAP-WZC33

-Read and summarize the article â€œBunn, Mike. “How to Read Like a Writer.”  -Revise summary using checklist -Write a paragraph about alearning experience 
W 9/4/24            

Reading Diagnostic Discussion of relationship between reading & writing; reading/writing diagnostics.Summary writing/revision, the language of summarizing, using rhetorical verbs Unit 1: How to read like a writer. -10 steps for reading and annotating a text -Discussion of critical reading -Introduction to writing strategies and writing patterns in reading. -Parts of speech, syntax, Vocabulary Development: Context clues, morphological clues, use of dictionary.-Read and summarize the article “Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like a Writer.”  -Revise summary using checklist -Write a paragraph about alearning experience -Reread “Read like a Writer” using the strategies we used to read like a writer. -Annotate the text using all the annotation strategies we discussed. Consider the elements we will use to outline the text.-Practice the vocabulary for “Read Like a Writer”-Read “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” and respond to the questions. Identify the language that is difficult for you to understand.
M 9/9/24
Unit 1: Educational NarrativeHomework
 WEEK 3 
M 9/9/24

Introduction to the narrative genre. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue:” Identifying main ideas; supporting details; writing patterns: compare/contrast, narrative, descriptive, simple division -Group work: Spanish language speakers peer- tutor non-Spanish speakers to understand the dialog.  -Review of vocabulary logs and development -Discussion of rhetorical modes, paraphrasing, (narration, comparison/contrast, persuasion); -Write a brief paragraphreflecting on how it felt to be a peer tutor or tutee. Due 9/9. -Read “Fish Cheeks” and “First Day” -Complete narrative essay charts. Due 9/11 -Sentence Structure Practice  – Outline for Unit 1- narrative paper Due 9/11.
 W 9/11/24

                         WEEK 4 
M 9/16/24     
Introduction of Unit 1 assignment and due dates for first, second and final drafts. Brief introduction to writing a narrative. (narrative elements, return to the senses and the role of dialog.)- PowerPoint presentation on peer review- Guided peer review. Why? and How?- Write a peer review of homework paragraph responding to questions- Sentence structure: simple and compound sentences; transitions; punctuation; run-onsand fragments-Review narrative elements, read “Fish Cheeks” and “First Day” together, discuss the role of dialog, find themes, plots, character development and fill in the forms together. Work on logical inferences.(Dialog)     -Vocabulary Development Log; how vocabulary in the two narratives provides context.  Write a paragraph comparing the experience of reading and listening to an identical piece. Explain how you understood and responded. – Components of an essay (introduction, thesis statement, body, conclusion) – Organizing ideas in a narrative essay – Use of evidence to support ideas, citations and quotations -Compound sentences: clauses of comparison and contrast.-Read “First Day,” take notes and then listen to the recording and take notes. Take pictures of both sets of notes and submit themDue 9/16 -Practice vocabulary for First Day, Fish Cheeks, Wild Tongue, What you Read and Reading Like a Writer for vocabulary test 9/16        -First draft of Unit 1 narrative paper due 9/18. -Compound sentencesPractice 
 W 9/18/24       


M 9/23/24       

W 9/25/24
 Vocabulary Test-Review of Edward Jones’s interview in order to develop pre-planned questions.-Develop peer Interview questions based on the narrative assignment and based on E. Jones’s interview. -The language and vocabulary of asking questions.  Discussion of “Shitty First Draft” steps.  -Peer interview/Pair Work: Pairs read each other’s narratives and develop interview questions specificto each other’s narratives. Using both the preplanned questions and the specific questions, students interview one another about their writing choices and other aspects of their narrative writing process. Students will record their interviews tosubmit. – Drafting Workshop: revising first draft: making connections, editing with the aid of peer review in the form of an interview.-Reminder: narrative first draft Due 9/23  -Read “Shitty First Drafts’and make a list of the author’s writing/revision steps.  -Be prepared to discuss them. Due 9/25 -See and practice vocabulary from ‘Shitty First Drafts.’ -Write up your interview with your partner using the same format as the interview with Edward Jones. -Write Unit 1 Essay Draft 2. Be sure to include peer feedback based on your interview  Due 9/30-Read the excerpt from “Family Life” and listen to Safwat Saleem in “Why I Keep Speaking” and “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda N. Adichie. Make connections to your personal experience  
 WEEK 6 
M 9/30/24      

W 10/2/24 
Library visit to learn about the research resources. Essay 1 workshop : revision and peer review.Group reflection on Unit 1Introducing the reflective annotatedbibliography and its parts-Developing a research question-The grammar of argumentation/persuasionEvaluating Media Bias-Review of 11 forms of media bias-In class evaluation of writing pieces.-Researching authors and their credentials -Source evaluation-Language element: Vocabulary of academic integrity and verifying professional credentials -Developing an annotated bibliography- Practice: identifying parts of annotated bibliography samples -Final Draft Essay 1 Due 10/2 – Read “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk and respond to questions. Due 10/7 

M 10/7/24

W 10/9/24

Writing workshop- Revision of draft 1Proofreading and editing Peer review of second draft of reflective annotated bibliography- -AB Revision Second Draft Unit 3 assignment DueWriting workshop (revision practices andfinal peer review)     Language component: Sentence stems for writing annotated bibliography evaluations.– Write a description of your annotated bibliography Due 10/9 -Find 3 more samples of the same genre with differences (for class presentation) – Read Junot Diaz “the Terror” and complete narrative chart for class discussion on 9/14-Prepare for Midterm Part 1 Writing assessment andGrammar Quiz. -Review reading, writinginstruction and grammar since the beginning of the semester.-Social issue selection for Unit 3Annotated Bibliography.Due 9/16

M 10/14/24

W 10/16/24
Midterm evaluation: Writing assessment and grammar quizWriting activitiy on the topic of happinessView short videos on subject of money and happiness (can $ buy happiness?)Dependent/Independent clauses Happiness theme continues, comparing TedTalk and short reading on relationships and happinessSentence fragments, run on sentences, irregular verbs -Prepare for Midterm Part 2-Review all vocabulary and re-read all work we’ve read since the beginning of class -Fill in the genre chartcompletely  -Start to prepare the elements of your genre analysis PowerPointpresentation

M 10/21/24

W 10/23/24
-Midterm evaluation: Reading and vocabulary (1 hour)-Essay 2 drafting workshopReview: The language of comparison and contrast  Critical reading: Analyze multiple texts addressing similar themes or topics; evaluate/ compare the authors’ points of view and approaches. CompareWild Tongues to Junot Diaz -narrative comparison. -Peer review of Draft 1 of Essay 2Finish Draft 1 of Essay 2Due 10/23   -Start writing Draft 2- Essay 2 – Due 11/4
 WEEK 10

M 10/28/24

W 10/30/24
Proofreading and Editing-Writing workshop -Proofreading checklist Identify quotations that demonstratesimilar/different viewpoints/approaches;In-class reading of “What if We’re All Coming Back” by Michelle Alexander Discussion of Unit 3 assignment- Elements of research: source location and evaluation; documentation. -Outline the bibliography sections in class-Writing workshop- Revision of draft 1Proofreading and editing Identify author’s tone, style, purpose, and point of view in texts from various content areas- Reading comprehension practice-Analyzing main idea, controlling idea andoverarching theme- Writer’s voice-The vocabulary of social issues and argument-Write final draft essay 2 with my feedback- Due on 11/4 -Review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human needs and complete questionnaire based on the chart -Respond to questions about the class reading.Due 11/4
 WEEK 11

M 11/4/24

  W 11/6/24
Grammar instruction as needed.Introduction to Genre and Genre Analysis.  -Review of Navigating Genres: Slides 1-5- Slideshow Presentation on Genre Analysis part 1 and 2. Collecting samples of genres.   -Vocabulary related to Genre Analysis    -Research your topic and find at least 5 sources from 5 different media that relate to your topic and respond to your researchQuestions. -Complete media bias charts by identifying the role of each segment of the writing piece. Be prepared to share your findings by 11/11 -Review the 5 pieces youresearched considering what you have learned about media bias and writer’s credentials, and identify which articles will be acceptable for your bibliography based on the validity that we discussed in class.
 WEEK 12 

M 11/11/24

W 11/13/24
   -Introduction to Academic Genres -How to identify academic genres Characteristics of narratives: comparingtwo narratives to find similarities and differences.  – Returning papers- group language issues covered in handouts or small tasks to revise sentences taken from student writing.   – Complete First draft of Unit 3 project leaving blank (specific areas) by11/13

-Reading comprehensionpractice

M 11/18/24

W 11/20/24
 -PowerPoint Presentation on Genre Analysis part 3 and 4     – Introduction to the language to describe a found genre. Structure of a descriptive writing presentation. Characteristics.-Introductions to making presentations of found genres.      – Finish second draft of Unit 3 project – Due 11/27

  -Study for final exams (grammar, vocabulary and all the writing/reading strategies learned in class)
 WEEK 14

M 11/25/24  

W 11/27/24    
Letter to Past Self or from Future SelfLara Borodisky’s TedTalk        Use the chart to write your final genre analysis.  -Fill in genre analysis chart -Language instruction: Descriptive language and transitions  Library Instruction- -Analytical Strategies for evaluating patterns or organization in academic genre  -Recognizing rhetorical modes/patterns of organization. -10 pair presentations of found genres -Review of Vocabulary of Narrative Characteristics -Complete Final Draft Unit 3
 WEEK 15 

M 12/2/24 

W 12/4/24
  Final Reading ExamFinal Draft Unit 3 Essay Due -Reflections on final research project  – Final reflection paper due 12/16
 WEEK 16

M 12/9/24       

W 12/11/24
 Writing exam final All late papers or makeup work for Unit 3 due 12/27/24 Final reflection paper due 12/18/24 
 WEEK 17

 M 12/16/24       

W 12/18/24
          Last class: Advisement             Complete and submit all unfinished or makeup projects/drafts by 12/27
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