Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | FALL 2024

10/7/24: RAB (Reflective Annotated Bibliography) Writing Activity

What is something you were interested in when you were a child? Are you still interested in that topic? How did asking questions help you learn more about that topic?

If so, how has your curiosity changed and grown over the years? And what role did the educational system play in your curiosity (good or bad)? 

If you are not interested in this topic anymore, what do you think happened to that interest? Do you remember the specific time you LOST interest?  What did you become interested in instead (and why?).

What are you interested in now? What are you interested in learning more about now?

Please post your answers to these questions in the comment section below. If you have any questions, let me know.  


  1. Qianying Zheng

    -I was very interested in painting when I was a child, but now I am not that interested. Signing up for a painting class can help me understand this issue more.

    -Now I understand this very well. For me, painting requires a person who is naturally talented in painting. The education system can become more and more curious about me, because I think after finishing a painting, it will also make you feel good.

    -If I am no longer interested in painting, this interest comes from the fact that I often saw some pictures when I was a child, and then I wanted to draw the same thing myself, but when I grew up, I unconsciously didn’t pay much attention to this aspect, and became interested in designing clothes.

    -I am now interested in how to design different good-looking clothes. I want to learn more about how to design and what to use to design clothes.

  2. Sophia Basone

    Something that I was interested when I was a child was being a nurse. I knew that I wanted to be a nurse so bad but the interest shifted away and so when I was about 18 years old and I had to choose my major when I applied to college, I was very confused. I had to drop college and take a gap year, I was still confused until I was looking for a job. Dental assistant caught my eye. For some reason I got really interested and I went to a dental assistant program for 7 months. When I got my job as a dental assistant I knew I wanted to be more than that, so I decided to go to school for dental hygiene. Now I’m really excited to finish school to become one. 

  3. Leoddy

    When I was a child I was interested in space, anything science related like earth science, chemistry, and astronomy. Today I’m still interested in all those. Didn’t really asked many questions, but what I did do was inform myself watching documentaries, and there was this program called universe sandbox 2 that gave simulations of planets or simulate anything you can imagine, space related. My curiosity has grown since then even more. Education didn’t really impact at all my curiosity when I was a child, but in high school I had the best teacher ever my earth science teacher I enjoyed her class so much like genuinely because it was actually something that interest me since before I was in her class I knew a lot about earth science because of research and videos I watched for fun. I’ll say she was positively impactful because it made me even love science even more that I wanted to become an earth science teacher just like her but I don’t really have much patience and very shy so I didn’t go that route. I’m still interested in science as well as Animals, Dinosaurs, And technology.

  4. Nesmy

    When I was a child I was interested with a lot of things such as who built the road?, why can’t we just print out a lot of paper money so that we can pay our(referring to my country debt) debt to other country? and of course, I am fully immersed by how does our body perform different function for our body needs?

    I am now majoring in Nursing, I guess my curiosity about the function of the body brought me here. After entering school I learned about the different functions of the body, thanks to Science class! My curiosity grew deeper as I expose myself to medical movies that includes dissecting internal organs and saving peoples lives. The educational system played a big part on my understanding about the body, at a young age I was nurtured with the basic fundamentals of how our body functions.

    Well, I am still interested on how does the body functions. A lot of people, including experts in this specific field find the human body astonishing, it is very broad and hard to understand that’s why no one knows except the creator (God) how does our body perform different functions to fulfill our body needs.

  5. Lydivine Nonguierma

    When I was little , I wanted to become a diplomat because I am interested in languages, always want to learn and build rich relationships. I love to travel , to be in many countries , meet people ,be financially stable but as I grew ,I lost interest because it takes a lot of years to study and “you have to know people “ in prefer to sent “to another country.I started to be interested in fashion and want to make clothes , my creative mindset developed to the point that I really want to have a business in this field .

  6. Maria Quezada

    When I was a child, I used to spend a lot of time at my mom’s job. She used to work at a public hospital. I remember listening to my mom and her coworkers talking about how Haitian women go to the Dominican Republic to give birth and how that hospital was invaded by Haitian people.

    As a child this didn’t interest me at all, but last semester I took an Africa Folklore class where I learned a lot about Haiti and the Dominican Republic conflicts. Some days ago, I heard two of my friends saying that it’s possible that the Dominican Republic and Haiti go to war. I personally don’t have a lot of information about it, but I would like to know more.

    I would like to make my RAB about the Dominican Republic and Haiti racism. I think racism is the main reason why these two countries have a never-ending conflict.

  7. rafael12

    when I was a child I was really interested in having a online business because it was so exciting and because there was a huge advantage to growing up I was fascinated by creating new website and make them to become success this interest grew because I was always asking questions whether to my friends coaches books asking questions helped me find new information and understand complex ideas I used to spend a lot of time exploring this topic, over the years my curiosity has evolved while I’m still interested in making websites my focus has shifted to new aspect to dental hygiene because I would like to help people with a smile on their teeth the truth is that I am still interested in these topics they attract my attention a lot I would say on both topics because they are very valuable.

  8. Alejandra Araujo

    What is something you were interested in when you were a child? Are you still interested in that topic? How did asking questions help you learn more about that topic?

    When I was little, I was interested in design and drawing, even though I wasn’t very good at it. I used to always draw wedding dresses and play with the clothes of my dolls. At the same time, I was very interested in the dental field. I had an orthodontist for five years, so I was at the dental office twice a month, and it really caught my attention. Now, I’m still interested in both the dental field and design. I love to decorate and look for design ideas online. and now I’m a dental assistant and a future dental hygienist.

    If so, how has your curiosity changed and grown over the years? And what role did the educational system play in your curiosity (good or bad)? 

    When I came to NYC in 2019, I didn’t know if I could go to college, so I started drawing and creating designs to sell T-shirts with my own brand. However, deep inside, I really wanted to go to college. I began looking for colleges and figuring out how I could enroll. During my search, I realized that New York City offers a lot of support to immigrants who want to attend college. The educational system in NYC provides opportunities that other states in the U.S. don’t offer, especially for non-U.S. citizens.

    If you are not interested in this topic anymore, what do you think happened to that interest? Do you remember the specific time you LOST interest? What did you become interested in instead (and why?).

    When I first came here, I started working in restaurants and as a babysitter, with no knowledge of English at all. The idea of working in a dental office or going to college seemed far from possible. I became interested in the dental field again when I was fired from my last job, so I stated to look for dental assistant jobs, and found a position, where Spanish was required. I quickly started learning all the dental terminologies in English, which made the process easier for me.

    What are you interested in now? What are you interested in learning more about now?

    Now, I’m very interested in finishing college to become a dental hygienist and maybe a dentist in the future. I want to learn more about the dental field, and I’m learning every day from my work as a dental assistant.

  9. Zura

    Well I became an actor at age 5, I started participating in theater plays , I’ve played major roles in 5 or 6 nationally recognized plays before I moved to USA, then I enrolled 12 week acting workshop at NY film academy , played from supporting roles to lead roles. Now I stopped.

  10. Zura

    reason for stopping of pursuing acting carrier was , I was getting involved with wrong productions, experiencing discrimination, not receiving any compensation for my work , dealing with perverted members of the production, not naming anyone, and getting robbed. It was a chaos. It got exhausting to a point I had to stop.

  11. Zura

    I’m interested in becoming Licensed Defense Attorney, why? well I like to be my own boss , help defenseless, run my own business.

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