Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | FALL 2024

9/25/24: Vocabulary exercises: Mother Tongue

Choose six (6) vocabulary words, define and write a sentence for each word, from the following list of words from “Mother Tongue”:

  1. Variation
  2. Evoke
  3. Wrought
  4. Intimacy
  5. Transcribe
  6. Belie
  7. Wince
  8. Empirical
  9. Guise
  10. Impeccable
  11. Regret
  12. Insular
  13. Moderate
  14. Bland
  15. Semantic
  16. Associative
  17. Hone
  18. Quandry
  19. Nascent
  20. Essence

After you choose six (6) words, define each word, and write sentences for each, post your sentences below in the response section.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


  1. Sophia Basone

    Variation is the difference or change found in things. It can refer how people, objects, or ideas are not exactly the same. For example, variation can be seen in the colors of flowers, the sizes of animals, or the way people think, it shown that there is diversity in the world around us.

    • “The artist’s work showcases a beautiful variation in colors and styles, making each piece unique.”

    Intimacy is a close and personal connection between people, where they share feelings, thoughts, and experiences. It involves trust, understanding, and caring, allowing individuals to feel safe and comfortable with each other. This closeness can be emotional, physical, or both and it helps strengthen relationships by creating a bond that goes beyond surface-level interactions.

    • “Their long conversations and shared secrets created a deep intimacy that strengthened their friendship.”

    To transcribe means to write down or copy words from one place to another. This often involves taking spoken language, like a speech or conversation, and turning into written text. People transcribe audio recordings, interviews, or notes to make the information easier to read or share.

    • “She had to transcribe the interview so that the important details could be shared with the team.”

    Guise means a way of appearing or presenting oneself that may not show the true nature of someone or something. It can refer to a disguise or an outward appearance that hides what’s really going on. For example, someone might act friendly while actually feeling upset inside, it can highlights how appearances can sometimes be misleading.

    • “Under the guise of a harmless prank, he revealed secrets that caused a lot of hurt feelings.”

    Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment about something you wish you had done differently. It can happens when you think back on a choice or action and realize it didn’t turn out the way you wanted. This feeling can lead to wishing for a second chance or wanting to make better decisions in the future.

    • “She felt deep regret for not spending more time with her family when she had the chance.”

    Moderate means something that is not extreme or excessive; it is balanced and reasonable. For example, a moderate amount of exercise is healthy, but too much can be harmful. It can also refer to controlling or guiding a discussion, like a moderator in a meeting who helps keep things on track. Overall, being moderate means finding a middle ground. 

    • “The doctor advised her to eat a moderate amount of sugar for better health.”

    Associative means how things are connected or related to each other. For example, when one word reminds you of another, that’s an associative link. It can helps us understand and remember information by forming connections between ideas or experiences.

    • “The associative link between the smell of fresh cookies and her grandmother’s kitchen brought back fond memories.”
  2. Qianying Zheng

    Variation-A thing or a person gradually becomes different.

    She has a lots of the variation of her life.

    Evoke-something excited to call

    The toys evoke memories of my childhood.

    Regret-sad things happen or didn’t go somewhere

    She is regret her like was change.

    Bland-quiet and no anything to do

    His life was bland.

    Moderate-something was in the middle

    My friend and I friendship was moderate.

    Intimacy- Someone’s relationship is very close.

    My relationship with my family is intimacy.

  3. Angela Nesmy

    1. Belie(verb)- to show something to be false or true.

    Sentence: Jeonghan’s gentleness belies his strength.

    1. Guise(noun)- an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something.

    Sentence:  He approached her in the guise of a friendly neighbor, but his true intentions were far more sinister.

    1. Impeccable(adjective)- free from fault or blame. Flawless or without any errors.

    Sentence: Seventeen’s performance at the Lollapalooza was absolutely impeccable, with every note perfectly in tune.

    1. Bland(adjective)- lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.

    Sentence: The taco they served was bland.

    1. Hone(verb)- to sharpen or smooth (blade or skills)

    Sentence: I spent years honing my skills in English to be able to communicate effectively.

    1. Essence(noun)- the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.

    Sentence: The essence of friendship is loyalty and trust.

  4. Alejandra

    1.   Variation: (noun)definition:  Changes in difference characteristic. It can indicate diversity of cultures. Ex: NYC has a population of a variation of cultures.


    2.   Intimacy: (noun) definition: It refers to a family and close. Ex: My best friend and I, have a very intimacy friendship.


    3.   Impeccable:  (adjective) describes something perfect without errors. Clean, organize, clear. Exp: The restaurant that I want to last night, has an impeccable service.

    4.   Regret:  (verb) represent sadness disappointment for something that is already done. Ex: I regret not taking another class for this semester.

    5.   Moderate: (Adjective) medium, modest. In the midline. Ex: Even though he was upset, he expressed himself in moderate way.

    6.   Associative: (verb) connection between two different individuals. Ex: I have an association with ones of my friends to start a small store.

  5. Lydivine Nonguierma

    Transcribe(verb): Put thoughts , speech , data into written printed form

    EX:The interview was taped and transcribed .

    Insular(adjective ): be ignorant of and uninterested of culture, ideas or people outside one’s own experience

    EX: This man asked me if we have electricity in Africa . This comes from an insular mind

    Hone(verb) : refine or perfect something over a period of time

    EX: I have taken many advices to hone my characters

    Wince(verb): give an involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of anticipation of pain and distress

    Ex: I am so sad that I winced at her singing voice

    Guise(verb): external form ,appearance , manner of presentation hiding the true nature of something

    EX : The police officer came in the guise of a bartender

    Empirical(adjective): based on , concerned with or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic

    EX: I tried to provide considerable empirical evidence to support my argument

  6. Zura

    1.Empirical – (Adjective) – based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

    Ex. It is cold outside; traffic is busy in the morning; and we are hungry.

    2.Regret – (Verb) – feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).

    Ex. she immediately regretted her words

    3. Moderate – ( Adjective) – average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.

    Ex. we walked at a moderate pace

    4. Hone – (verb) – smooth and sharpen

    Ex. he was carefully honing the curved blade.

    5. Impeccable – (Adjective) – of a behavior , performance , in accordance with the highest standards of property.

    Ex. He did impeccable work on his test.

    6.Belie – ( Verb) – of an appearance, fail to give a true notion or impression of something

    Ex. the notebooks belie Darwin’s later recollection.

  7. Maria Quezada

    ·        Variation (noun): A change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits.

    There are some variations between the book and the movie.

    ·        Belie (verb): To show something to be false or to hide something such as an emotion. It can also be used to contradict or misrepresent.

    The way that she expresses herself belies how she feels.

    ·        Empirical (adjective): Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

    He provided empirical evidence to support his argument.

    ·        Insular (adjective): Ignorant of or uninterest in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience.

    He has an insular way of thinking about the subject.

    ·        Moderate (adjective): Kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.

    I tried to keep a moderate tone of voice.

    ·        Bland (adjective): Smooth and soothing in manner or quality or lacking strong flavor or interest.

    She seemed so bland when I was talking.

    ·        Hone (verb): A verb that means to make an object sharp. It can also refer to improving or perfecting skills.

    I have been trying to hone my writing skills.

    ·        Nascent (adjective): Just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.

    She has a nascent talent, she will have a bright future.

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