Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | FALL 2024

9/11/24: Core Values

CORE VALUES: being creative / artistic ā€¢ family ā€¢ friendships ā€¢ political engagement ā€¢ independence ā€¢ learning and gaining knowledge ā€¢ athletic ability ā€¢ community ā€¢ culture ā€¢ music ā€¢ spiritual or religious values ā€¢ sense of humor

  • Write for at least one paragraph about one of your core values (some examples are given above.) What does the importance of this value in your life say about you?
  • Write for at least one paragraph about how this value relates to your goals for the future.
  • Write for at least one more paragraph about how improving your writing and communication skills will help you achieve these goals.

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  1. Leoddy

    One of my core values is my family. My family is important to me the support they always give me and the advice is the reason Iā€™ve made it this far. Iā€™m just not only studying for myself, also to be able to help them one day financially. I am indeed proud of where I come from how I was raised because it has made me deeply care about my education. Without that support no clue where I would of been.

    This relates to my goal of graduating college because with no support it would of been very hard for me to keep going. In school Iā€™m not really the hardest working even though I could be, but because of how I was raised and know the importance of succeeding in life basically graduating and getting a good job. Now I put all of my effort in my classes and do the best of my ability. This helps my goal because putting the effort in makes the learning process more efficient and fun.

    Getting better at communicating would help me get my ideas out. Also in any case of a mistake or anything that needs to be communicated getting better at communicating would make my life much easier basically. Iā€™m very very very shy since middle school Iā€™ll say because of many house issues and switching schools, but I want to get better at communicating but it just very hard for me to do so when I donā€™t really know the person. But essentially getting better with my communication will help me in the long run.

  2. Diana Calle

    ā€¢ā€œThe family plays a fundamental role in the development of its members. For people, the family is the first space where we learn to develop as individuals that make up a society.ā€ I can say without thinking twice that my family is a fundamental value in my life, thanks to my family I have achieved many things, my family are the people who always support me and make me to be a better person without their support it would be very difficult for me to move forward I feel that without them I would remain stuck.

    ā€¢They have a lot of importance in my goals and in my future. Thanks to the support of my mom and dad , I can go back to college . If it hadn’t been for my dad, maybe I would never have discovered that I really like maths and architecture, so I can say that they gonna help me a lot with my future. If it weren’t for the support of my family, maybe I wouldn’t be sitting here in this class.

    ā€¢I think that one way I can improve my writing and communication skills is to practice and correct my mistakes, observe how I can make myself understood better or communicate better with the people around me and start to feel more comfortable with the changes I have to make.

  3. Angela Nesmy Moises

    Growing up I develop a set of beliefs and principles that I still carry with me up to this day. One of the core values that I have is my family. My family plays an important role in my life, I was taught that no matter what happens never turn your back to your family, because they are the ONLY one who will stay with you in the end. When something bad happens to me, my family is the only one by my side to help me conquer the life challenges Iā€™m facing. Like what my father always tells me, ā€œyour friends will only be there during your success, but during the process, during the hardships they are nowhere there. So celebrate your success with people you suffer with, and that is your family.ā€ Another core value that I give importance of is learning and gaining knowledge along the way. I am still in the process of adulting and honestly I donā€™t know a lot of stuff when it comes to reality, however, as much as possible I am trying to maintain my state as a ā€œhuman spongeā€. I consider my self as a human sponge because I know for myself that the range of knowledge that I have is not that wide. That is why I am just absorbing or opening my brain to all the new ideas and knowledge from other people like what a sponge does.

    These values relates to my future goals as it plays a big role to the field Iā€™m trying to get into, which is Medical field. As I learn how to care for people, how the body functions, how can I help more people, I can say that learning for me never ends. Everyday there will be new ideas and lessons that I will be able to uncover. And having this as one of my core values is a life changer, because I donā€™t have to worry about adjusting to a bigger area that feeds me more knowledge, because I started early and I give value to my education more than anything else.

  4. Sophia Basone

    Independence is one of my core value. I have two older brother and me being the youngest, I would say I am more independent than them. I had to learn to be independent, because I come from a middle class family, I had to find a job when I was only 13 years old. But this has been a learning experience because now I don’t depend on anybody, I have my own money, my own things, and I have a really good career.

    This value relates to my future goals because one day I want to have my own house, my own car, and I want to move away from my family. I live with my parents still, but I’m learning to be more independent in my house, so that when I’ll live on my own, I’ll be used to be independent.

    Being independent can really boost your writing and communication skills. When you handle things on your own, you build confidence, which makes your ideas come across more clearly. You also get better at solving problems and organizing your thoughts, leading to stronger arguments and better structure in your writing. Plus, having the freedom to explore new ideas lets you be more creative and original. Reviewing your own work helps you catch and fix mistakes, and over time, you develop a unique personal style that makes your communication more authentic and engaging.

  5. Maria Quezada

    Write for at least one paragraph about one of your core values. What does the importance of this value in your life say about you?

    One of my values is empathy. Being able to comprehend, interact, and create connections with others and view situations from another perspective is something that I really value. I try to make everyoneā€™s efforts and tries included and recognized. If we put empathy first we can makes people feel understood no matter if we disagree with their beliefs or opinions.

    Write for at least one paragraph about how this value relates to your goals for the future.

    My future goal relates to empathy. In every situation of my life I want to create connections to others with difference experiences and viewpoints. As an architect I want to design structures that actually meet the client needs, for that I have to listen to them and understand others situations.

    Write for at least one more paragraph about how improving your writing and communication skills will help you achieve these goals.

    Improving my writing and communication skills will help me to communicate more clearly and understand different situations in a more effective way. Good writing skills will let me communicate effectively my ideas to other people. At the same time communication will help me to comprehend others needs. 

  6. Angela Nesmy Moises

    Growing up I develop a set of beliefs and principles that I still carry with me up to this day. One of the core values that I have is my family. My family plays an important role in my life, I was taught that no matter what happens never turn your back to your family, because they are the ONLY one who will stay with you in the end. When something bad happens to me, my family is the only one by my side to help me conquer the life challenges Iā€™m facing. Like what my father always tells me, ā€œyour friends will only be there during your success, but during the process, during the hardships they are nowhere there. So celebrate your success with people you suffer with, and that is your family.ā€ Another core value that I give importance of is learning and gaining knowledge along the way. I am still in the process of adulting and honestly I donā€™t know a lot of stuff when it comes to reality, however, as much as possible I am trying to maintain my state as a ā€œhuman spongeā€. I consider my self as a human sponge because I know for myself that the range of knowledge that I have is not that wide. That is why I am just absorbing or opening my brain to all the new ideas and knowledge from other people like what a sponge does.

    These values relates to my future goals as it plays a big role to the field Iā€™m trying to get into, which is Medical field. As I learn how to care for people, how the body functions, how can I help more people, I can say that learning for me never ends. Everyday there will be new ideas and lessons that I will be able to uncover. And having this as one of my core values is a life changer, because I donā€™t have to worry about adjusting to a bigger area that feeds me more knowledge, because I started early and I give value to my education more than anything else. Another thing that plays an important role in my future is my family. Without my family as my support system, I wouldnā€™t be here today. Without their never ending support, guidance, love, and trust, I wouldnā€™t be able to reach this far. My family being in my core value is what drives me to strive for the best and be the best.

  7. Alejandra Araujo

    Independence is really important to me. I came to New York by myself when I was 18, with my parents still in Venezuela, I wanted to start college right away, but it was tough because I didnā€™t speak English well and I had to work full-time to pay the bills, which made going to school very challenging. Everything Iā€™ve gone through since moving here has made me very independent. Iā€™ve gotten to where I am now on my own, without any help, and Iā€™m really proud of who Iā€™ve become.

    Being independent from a young age has made me very appreciative of any help I receive. It has taught me that no one is obligated to give or assist you, and I value the support I do get even more because of it.

    These values represent my future because Iā€™ve learned that I can achieve my goals. I often envision myself in various jobs, schools, or places, and even though I might not always know exactly how Iā€™ll get there. For example, I used to have a job near City Tech, so every day I would pass by and think, “Oh, thatā€™s my school.” Even though I didnā€™t know when or how I would be able to attend City Tech. this has really helped me put in my best effort to achieve what I want for my future.

    Improving my English would open new door for me in terms of work and relationships. I want to be able to express myself as clearly in English as i do in Spanish.

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