Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Fall 2023

11/15/23: Unit 3 (Writing in a New Genre) Ideas: Audience, Language, Goals of Communication

An important aspect of Part of the final Unit 3 research project is thinking about audience, and how to best communicate with that audience. Using different vernaculars/dialects/registers with different audiences can make for more effective communication, depending on context.

Respond in writing to the following:

  • How many languages do you speak? What are they? After you name the ā€œofficialā€ languages you speak, name the other discourses, vernaculars and registers you speak, not necessarily national languages but languages you speak with friends, languages you speak with family, languages you may speak with people with whom you share a hobby like a sport.
  • To whom do you speak those different languages?
  • How do you feel about speaking different languages to different people in different contexts?
  • How does your intended audience impact how you speak to someone and the word choice you use?
  • How does the purpose for your communication impact what you say and how you say it?

  • How can you have a similar message or purpose for different audiences but use different word choice based on your audience?
  • How do you integrate all the languages you speak?
  • What kind of language or register or discourse are you going to use in your final project (Unit 3 research)? Explain, in detail, why this is the most effective mode of communication or register.
  • What genre is your project? If it is a traditional written academic essay, explain in detail why you decided that this is most effective. If it is a video presentation, explain why a video is most effective.

Post here in the comment section, and let me know if you have any questions. This should be the opening of a discussion about your Unit 3 project, and any concerns you have about this.


  1. Fairlay

    I speak 2 languages. The 2 languages that i speak are French and English. The language that i speak is Frenglish. I speak with my family members that speak English. I speak it to them because my French is not really good anymore so i sometimes just mix French and English words in phrases.I feel like it is good to speak different languages to different people in different contexts because depending on the audience, they could understand it more. The intended audience impacts how i speak to someone and the word choices that i use because i would not be talking the same way to a teacher or interviewer the same way that i would be talking to a friend. The purpose for my communication impacts what i say and how i say it because if i am at a job interview, i would not be using curse words when i speak. On the other hand, If i am talking to my friend, i would be using curse words freely when i speak. I integrate all the languages i speak when i am talking to a family member. I speak the 2 languages i speak. The language or register or discourse i will use in my final project is professional English. This is the most effective mode of communication or register because my topic is very serious and i will need to be professional. My genre is slideshow presentation. This is the most effective because it will be better for my audience to understand.

  2. Daria

    • How many languages do you speak? What are they? After you name the ā€œofficialā€ languages you speak, name the other discourses, vernaculars and registers you speak, not necessarily national languages but languages you speak with friends, languages you speak with family, languages you may speak with people with whom you share a hobby like a sport: 

    I am proficient in four languages. My native language is Ukrainian, and Russian is my second native language. I am also fluent in English and have a basic understanding of Italian, although my proficiency has waned due to lack of practice. In casual conversations with friends and family, especially those from Ukraine, we often communicate in Surzhyk. Surzhyk is a colloquial sociolect in certain regions of Ukraine, as well as neighboring areas of Russia and Moldova. It is a blend of Ukrainian and Russian that does not adhere to the standard rules of either language, often considered a pidgin or non-standard linguistic form.

    • To whom do you speak those different languages?

    I communicate in Russian with my friends, family, and most people from Ukraine, except for those who prefer not to speak Russian due to the conflict in the country; with them, I converse in Ukrainian. Having lived in the U.S. for a year and a half, I use English daily, including with my boyfriend, who is also a Russian speaker. We choose to speak English together, and I use English universally (except Europe, where I’ve noticed some resistance to speaking English, even among those who are capable haha)  As for Italian, I used it while living in Italy and now occasionally during phone calls with Italian friends.

    • How do you feel about speaking different languages to different people in different contexts?

    I find speaking different languages with different people in various contexts exhilarating. It’s a joy to connect with someone from another part of the world, to understand their unique perspective shaped by distinct history, traditions, and cultural mentality. Language is not just a tool for communication; it’s a gateway to deeper comprehension and connection. I relish the opportunity to use various languages, expanding my understanding and fluency. In every country I’ve visited, I’ve endeavored to learn as much of the local language as possible. Whether it’s Arabic, Tagalog, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, or Khmer, each language offers a new lens through which to view and appreciate their culture, even if I only know a few phrases.

    • How does your intended audience impact how you speak to someone and the word choice you use?

    Certainly, the audience influences my language use. In formal settings like work or college, I am careful with my language, striving to avoid grammatical errors and filler words. In contrast, when I’m with friends or family, I’m more at ease and less concerned about making mistakes, which, ironically, I seem to make less of when I’m not worried. Moreover, the discourse varies with context; for instance, in academic settings, I adapt my vocabulary to the specific terminology relevant to each class. 

    • How does the purpose for your communication impact what you say and how you say it?

    The purpose of my communication greatly shapes both my content and delivery. Drawing from the concept of the rhetorical situation discussed in “What is Rhetorical Situation and Why Should I Care?”, I understand that all communication is inherently persuasive, akin to a battle of wits where one must assert and justify their viewpoint. With friends and family, I often assume an authoritative role, and they typically heed my advice, which is frequently grounded in psychological and scientific terms. While communicating in English, despite not feeling as confident as I do in Russian, I still consider myself competent enough to persuade others effectively haha.

    • How can you have a similar message or purpose for different audiences but use different word choice based on your audience?

    You can maintain the same message for different audiences by using technical language and jargon with experts, and simpler, more accessible language with general audiences. This ensures clarity and comprehension while keeping the underlying message consistent.

    • How do you integrate all the languages you speak?
    • Integrating multiple languages into daily life involves switching between them based on context and need. For example, I might use Ukrainian at home for a comfortable and familiar communication with family, switch to Russian with friends from back home, and use English in my professional or academic life in the U.S. Italian might come into play when Iā€™m reminiscing with friends from Italy or wanting to enjoy Italian media. The key is to fluidly transition between languages to fit the situation and the audience.
    • What kind of language or register or discourse are you going to use in your final project (Unit 3 research)? Explain, in detail, why this is the most effective mode of communication or register.

    For the final project on how influencers affect consumer behavior, Iā€™ll use a formal and academic register because itā€™s scholarly work. This includes industry-specific terminology from marketing and psychology to discuss concepts like ā€˜brand perceptionā€™ and ā€˜consumer engagementā€™. Iā€™ll also incorporate persuasive language to argue the points effectively, using data and research to back up claims. Maybe I’ll take the professor’s advice and make my project more practical than academic

    • What genre is your project? If it is a traditional written academic essay, explain in detail why you decided that this is most effective. If it is a video presentation, explain why a video is most effective.

    video format is most effective because it allows for a dynamic presentation of influencersā€™ impact on consumer behavior. Visuals and audio can engage viewers more directly than text, illustrating real-world examples of influencer marketing and its effects. Additionally, a video can showcase actual case studies, interviews with experts, and consumer reactions, providing a richer, multi-sensory experience that could make the information more relatable and memorable.

  3. Akobir

    • How many languages do you speak? What are they? After you name the ā€œofficialā€ languages you speak, name the other discourses, vernaculars, and registers you speak, not necessarily national languages but languages you speak with friends, languages you speak with family, languages you may speak with people with whom you share a hobby like a sport.

    I speak only four languages; They are: Tajik, Uzbek, Russian, English

    I use only these languages daily.

    • To whom do you speak those different languages?

    Friends, family, gym partners, college professors.

    • How do you feel about speaking different languages to different people in different contexts?

    I feel good and want to improve in English and move to other languages.

    • How does your intended audience impact how you speak to someone and the word choice you use?

    Well, I can go back to code-switching and use appropriate words and tones whenever I have to

    • How does the purpose of your communication impact what you say and how you say it?

    I want to deliver my thoughts and my beliefs to impact a particular audience.

    • How can you have a similar message or purpose for different audiences but use different word choices based on your audience?

    It depends on age, gender, social class, and country/state.

    • How do you integrate all the languages you speak?

    When I form a sentence in Russian I can include English words sometimes to describe something more accurately.

    • What kind of language or register or discourse are you going to use in your final project (Unit 3 research)? Explain, in detail, why this is the most effective mode of communication or register.

    I will most likely use basic, maybe even slang English for my audience to fully comprehend the message

    • What genre is your project? If it is a traditional written academic essay, explain in detail why you decided that this is most effective. If it is a video presentation, explain why a video is most effective.

    I’m thinking of doing a video since I’m not sure that just a big formal English paragraph will even catch my audienceā€™s attention.

  4. Emely

    Ā·       How many languages do you speak? What are they? After you name the ā€œofficialā€ languages you speak, name the other discourses, vernaculars and registers you speak, not necessarily national languages but languages you speak with friends, languages you speak with family, languages you may speak with people with whom you share a hobby like a sport.


      I speak two languages and those are Spanish and English. I speak either of these languages. I donā€™t have other ways to communicate

    ~.   To whom do you speak those different languages?

                                                          English to people who doesnā€™t speak Spanish 

                                 Spanish to people and family who doesnā€™t speak English 

    Ā·       How do you feel about speaking different languages to different people in different contexts?

                                                      It does feel nice

    Ā·       How does your intended audience impact how you speak to someone and the word choice you use?

    One of the consequences that would affect my audience or the person I’m talking to would be how I express myself since I don’t speak with all the necessary vocabulary and may not be understood by what I sometimes want to say.

    Ā·       How does the purpose for your communication impact what you say and how you say it?

                         Sometimes doesnā€™t impact on anything, but thereā€™s times where I donā€™t know how to express my ideas

    Ā·       How can you have a similar message or purpose for different audiences but use different word choice based on your audience?

    Ā·       How do you integrate all the languages you speak?

                   Speaking each one when is necessary

    Ā·       What kind of language or register or discourse are you going to use in your final project (Unit 3 research)? Explain, in detail, why this is the most effective mode of communication or register.

    Normal vocabulary, I think is more efficient since the audience might be high of college students. So to make me understand I need to communicate with the same words or vocabulary that we use nowadays. 

    ~What genre is your project? If it is a traditional written academic essay, explain in detail why you decided that this is most effective. If it is a video presentation, explain why a video is most effective. 

    A Video format is most effective, Because maybe give the opportunity of express myself better and get fresh ideas

  5. Rojina

    I speak two languages, my mother tongue is Arabic and the second is English. I know ten dialects in the Arabic language. But the most famous of them is the Egyptian dialect, as all Arabs know it and can communicate with each other, for one very important reason: its spread through cinema and songs, classical Arabic, which is the language of study. The language I speak at home is Arabic so that we can document the Arabic language for our children, but when speaking with those around us outside the home, we speak English with the friends around us because this is the dominant language in our place of living. I speak Arabic with my family because this is our first language. I speak English with my friends at my university during my lectures and while making necessary papers and making calls to fulfill the necessities of life. I often feel different when speaking my mother tongue than the language I must speak in order to communicate with those who live around me. Example: If I speak in English, sometimes I feel like I forget the words I want to speak. Also, for any of us whose native language is easier to speak than any other language. The public contributes The target is to determine the appropriate way in which the marketing plan will proceed for the activity that I carry out, ensuring that I reach a large group of targets who are looking for services on that subject. Defining my target audience also develops the overall image of my idea and the language I use to communicate with the audience. During my speech, I try to point out the extent of the benefits that accrue to the other person as a result of implementing my advice, so that he remains attentive to my speech and is convinced by it. – Do not ask the other party to make the decision at the same time, and leave him the opportunity to think about the matter and determine the time when he will respond to me. Use relevant language and references Use language appropriate for each audience, taking into account educational level, colloquialism, or cultural terminology. Incorporating the Right Visuals and Aesthetics The visual presentation of your messages must also be adapted to each audience During my project, I will be addressing teens, parents, and students at my university. As each of them has a different style of talking to him. The language in which I will present my project is English. English plays an important role in anyone’s educational life. English is the lingua franca in the academic world, and everyone I want to address speaks this language. Which means it is the most widely used language for international communication in the field of education. Therefore, presenting the project in English can facilitate communication and collaboration with students and the target group for my topic. I will write an article aimed at giving a picture of why stressed Teens are affected by massage, and what I saw made me choose this topic. I think it is important for the writer to use the view as a picture of the place he saw or a narrative of the events of the accident. – If the writer does this by describing or narrating what he saw or witnessed, the reader will emerge with a clear picture of the place or event, as if he witnessed it himself. I will make a video because the topic is aimed at teenagers as they are interested in technology and this will attract their attention. It will be a small video summarizing for them that what they do to themselves affects them. I have questions about requesting my topic by Academic essay and short videos. To make sure that all audience Convinced about the topic.

  6. Jguarango21

    Ā·       How many languages do you speak? What are they? After you name the ā€œofficialā€ languages you speak, name the other discourses, vernaculars, and registers you speak, not necessarily national languages but languages you speak with friends, languages you speak with family, languages you may speak with people with whom you share a hobby like a sport.

    So, I canā€™t say I have a specific first language. I can speak two, English and Spanish. I can express myself better in Spanish than in English. But when hanging out with friends I usually joke around in English. I read Spanish but I watch English shows. Spanish music is what I prefer but when being asked to pick a song I usually go for something like JOJI. I donā€™t have any other type of language other than basic programming.

    Ā·       To whom do you speak those different languages?

    It really depends, if in school it would be English as well as work. But when with family or close friends itā€™s Spanish. At work sometimes I vary idioms due to customers not understanding what certain instructions are.

    Ā·       How do you feel about speaking different languages to different people in different contexts?

    Itā€™s difficult because I must be careful about what I say because they wonā€™t understand what I am trying to express. Or I must try and translate something and then explain it for them to understand. Or sometimes I just decide to avoid it.

    Ā·       How does your intended audience impact how you speak to someone and the word choice you use?

    It could depend on the context. If in school, I must use appropriate language. But when with friends I can use almost whatever slang and language I can.

    Ā·       How does the purpose of your communication impact what you say and how you say it?

    Itā€™s complicated as I canā€™t seem to express or think correctly when speaking English. Sometimes people get the wrong message and I must try and resolve that issue.

    Ā·       How can you have a similar message or purpose for different audiences but use different word choice based on your audience?

    I would prepare before. Have index cards ready with whatever I am trying to express and use high-level vocabulary in certain aspects.

    Ā·       How do you integrate all the languages you speak?

    Sometimes it just seems to come out. Depends on what we are talking about. If I want to joke around, I will say something in Spanish.  If not and I am visiting a place I havenā€™t been I would speak English.

    Ā·       What kind of language or register or discourse are you going to use in your final project (Unit 3 research)? Explain, in detail, why this is the most effective mode of communication or register.

    Only English, formal but not to technical. I canā€™t assume the audience knows what I am talking about so I have to be careful with what language I use. I want to let them know that my purpose is to inform. The need to be concise and clear is important.

    Ā·       What genre is your project? If it is a traditional written academic essay, explain in detail why you decided that this is most effective. If it is a video presentation, explain why a video is most effective.

    I decided to give an informative speech like a TED talk. It all begins with a hook. And according to that let the audience know about a certain topic with descriptive images and examples. Slides will be used as a tool to help explain what my point are.

  7. marylin

    I speak 2 languages, Spanish and English (bilingual), it really depends who I speak with. When speaking Spanish for me it represents sort of a ā€œhome language” since I would primarily speak Spanish at home. From a public setting, I would use my English everywhere I go. While speaking different languages to different people in different contexts the only thing that would see a difference is in the context whats being said, no matter the language differences you are still able comprehend what is being said despite the person not being able to understand the language. Based on my intended audience the way I would speak to someone and use of word choice would be from my perspective and a more normal (interactive) tone when communicating and trying to avoid being too tedious. The purpose of my communication would impact what I would say overall focuses on attracting for the audienceā€™s perspective making it interesting for them.The type of language or register possibly mentioned in my final project would be in a more casual way like you would interact with a person in the most normal way or the way you would speak towards a close friend. My genre for this project would definitely be some related online, perhaps creating a website? Or anything that represents visuals, this might be an effective way as itā€™ll captivate the audience’s attention based on the visuals.

  8. Jimin Yoon

    I speak 3 languages: English, Korean, and Spanish. With my friends, I speak Spanish and Korean. With my family, I speak only Korean. I spend my hobbies with my friends whom I have known since Guatemala and we speak Spanish. My friends, family, and just strangers. It has different meanings and pronunciations. Choose they can understand easily, and some kind words. It can give different sense to them and could sound different to the people so choosing words we all know and language is better for them.

  9. MD Azizur

    1. How many languages do you speak? What are they?

    I speak Bengali, Hindi, and English. Besides, I use Bengali and Hindi with family and friends, while English is mainly for communication in the United States.

    2. To whom do you speak those different languages?

    I primarily speak English in the United States, especially in diverse settings like classrooms, where people come from different countries.

    3. How do you feel about speaking different languages to different people in different contexts?

    Speaking different languages feels challenging because it’s not always easy to convey my feelings appropriately, hindering effective communication.

    4. How does your intended audience impact how you speak to someone and the word choice you use?

    My goal is to reach people interested in understanding how smaller countries modernize. The language I choose is not too formal to connect with a wide audience.

    5. How does the purpose for your communication impact what you say and how you say it?

    My intention is to make communication easy and understandable for a broad audience, especially for those who have migrated to this country.

    6. How can you have a similar message or purpose for different audiences but use different word choices based on your audience?

    Using varied words helps create articulate and interesting writing, tailored to different audiences’ preferences and understanding levels.

    7. How do you integrate all the languages you speak?

    I choose languages based on the type of writing, considering the audience and other factors. I avoid unfamiliar registers to connect with my targeted audience.

    8. What kind of language or register or discourse are you going to use in your final project (Unit 3 research)? Explain, in detail, why this is the most effective mode of communication or register.

    For my Unit 3 project, I’ll use simple and understandable language, as my audience is limited. This approach ensures effective communication with day-to-day words.

    9. What genre is your project? If it is a traditional written academic essay, explain in detail why you decided that this is most effective. If it is a video presentation, explain why a video is most effective?

    My Unit 3 project is primarily academic and research writing, aligned with economics, international relations, and business studies. This genre effectively conveys detailed information and analysis.

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